What Operating System would you like to see ported to pandora besides Linux? Somebody suggested ReactOS in another thread.
Personally, I really liked BeOS. That's why I'd love to see Haiku, the open-source BeOS clone, ported to Pandora. BeOS was snappier on a 350 mhz AMD k6 than any Linux desktop on modern hardware, no matter how light-weight. Because of it's speed, it should be great for Pandora's relatively limited hardware (compared to PCs).
Personally, I really liked BeOS. That's why I'd love to see Haiku, the open-source BeOS clone, ported to Pandora. BeOS was snappier on a 350 mhz AMD k6 than any Linux desktop on modern hardware, no matter how light-weight. Because of it's speed, it should be great for Pandora's relatively limited hardware (compared to PCs).
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