could anyone port Moonbuggy, should be hard, or am i wrong..
Source is available here: http://packages.qa.debian.org/m/moon-buggy.html
or can i just download and run the arm version here?
ok will try it..
EDIT: ok download the arm DEB, extractet the executable.. and put it on the smc.. and then tried to run it with ./moon-buggy.. but it didnt worked..
i tried it on propaganda 1.2 do i have to use another release
could anyone port Moonbuggy, should be hard, or am i wrong..
Source is available here: http://packages.qa.debian.org/m/moon-buggy.html
or can i just download and run the arm version here?
ok will try it..
EDIT: ok download the arm DEB, extractet the executable.. and put it on the smc.. and then tried to run it with ./moon-buggy.. but it didnt worked..
i tried it on propaganda 1.2 do i have to use another release