while surfing the web I stumbled over the website http://www.mylinuxsoftware.com/
Almost all software there is open source, multi-platform and GPL licensed...
Some programs have already been ported to the Pandora, but there are lots of others possible candidates summarized on that page!
For example, some programs in the scientific sections could be useful on the Pandora...
There are open planetaries, geometry software, electronic circiut simulators...
In my opinion that website could be a source of inspiration for people who want to port software to the Pandora.
I would definitly appreciate if some of these programs would appear in the download center some day...
while surfing the web I stumbled over the website http://www.mylinuxsoftware.com/
Almost all software there is open source, multi-platform and GPL licensed...
Some programs have already been ported to the Pandora, but there are lots of others possible candidates summarized on that page!
There are open planetaries, geometry software, electronic circiut simulators...
In my opinion that website could be a source of inspiration for people who want to port software to the Pandora.