Port Requests

The GL 2.x part of gl4es is very young for now. Don't expect much things to work for now. But it will improve with time.
Yeah, but I'm not sure what GL2 functions it needs. It may work anyway. Hopefully these gl4es changes will be added to the default Pandora firmware soon, I would like to try them.
Yeah, but I'm not sure what GL2 functions it needs. It may work anyway. Hopefully these gl4es changes will be added to the default Pandora firmware soon, I would like to try them.
Someone correct me if wrong, but AIUI, glshim is not included in the Pandora firmware - it's buildable from the github (once updated) and is included in ever PND that uses it - it's purely code with no assets or music so it's quite small in the scale of these things. I guess quite a few people just copy a version out of one of ptitseb's latest ports as well, rather than building it themselves.

And just checking now, it seems I should remember this is no longer called glshim - it's a fork of the old glshim, but now properly called gl4es, targetting the OpenGLES engine of various devices rather than the pure software engine of the parent glshim (which is still in development).
Update on treadmarks this fork seems to work under Linux now (some glitches)

Hey @shaddim , not sure if you are still interested, but I got TreadMarks to finally run.
It does run on the Pandora (see the attached screenshot) but I have some weird rainbow texture on terrain, not sure if it's a but of gl4es or TreadMarks.
I also got it to run, more or less, on an x86 VM, but the mesa driver seems to be having some issue and I'm missing some textures (intro, sky, but the terrain and tank are there). It does run on 32bits build, not sure it does for 64bits build (you probably need to add "-std=c++11" to the CXX flags).

You can grab the source and try yourself on my repo: https://github.com/ptitSeb/TreadMarks

*EDIT* Ah, I see the github link you provided also had the game runing... Nevermind then.
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Not new, but I don't think we have it yet: the Dice emulator for Discrete Integrated Circuit games (stuff that came before CPUs were common).

It's probably a bit of a pain to build, requiring SDL+GL even plus QT it seems from trying to build it locally on my x86 netbook. Maybe some of that could be stripped if it's made to only ever run fullscreen on Pandora, but I think all of that is buildable on Pandora these days if not, for a vanilla port.

Source zip:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/dice/files/DICE/DICE 0.9/dice.0.9.src.zip/download

Blog site:
There is an old port of that on Pandora: http://repo.openpandora.org/?page=detail&app=vcmi.yeoldegrove

I've not looked at the releases since then to figure out how valuable an update would be over the 2014 version. I haven't played it much myself to be honest, and judging by the lack of repo comments and me not recalling the thread being bumped much since suggests nobody else is much bothered, but maybe there's a good reason to update this regardless.
maybe this is old news, but I came recently accross that there WAS maybe a low profile release of the monolith's LithTech engine source code.


But the Github page is down https://github.com/penenin/lithtech , also not on internetarchive back-up'ed. (an unofficial release or leak which was taken down?)

But there is this fork: https://github.com/jsj2008/lithtech which tried to integrate this newer engine version with earlier game source code releases of monolith:
  1. No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way
  2. Tron 2.0
  3. Shogo
  4. The Operative: No One Lives Forever
  5. F.E.A.R.
  6. Blood II: The Chosen
but it seems this try got stuck 5 years ago.

newer branches

branch of branch... active, and working on linux support
Ah yes, NOLF2 (and Tron2). Very good games. I was aware of the source code of lithtech engine beeing availble, but I didn't knew there was some Linux build attempt. Still, it seem like a long way to get them in a runnable state (even in Windows it seems). I always wanted to gives this a try, but that's a huge works, I'll probably wont start that right now, too many other things already going on.
Shame those impressive backgrounds are static, and the gameplay is your basic Galaxian level stuff with none of the stuff introduced in Galaga. And then there's the binking all of the graphics do - I'm not sure if it's a sprite problem, and the library they're using can't handle that number of sprites on screen at the same time. But the menus also look a bit of a mess. I'd rater play galaxians in MAME to be honest, but maybe this is an interesting puzzle to port, I don't know. And this is properly open source of course, which has to count for something.
Barotrauma, submarine simulation, mono, already linux ported, space station 13 inspired

source code released on github, assets commercially (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=864656542) there is a free alpha maybe useable with the source code (http://undertowgames.com/barotrauma/ )
(the EULA attached seems quite restrictive limiting to mods...seems the author needs to be contacted for a port)


I noticed the developer has also a fully free and open source game, assets CC BY-SA


Blitz3d is open source

this fork seems to have some linux support

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Quick search didn't find it mentioned anywhere... I was thinking that we could make good use of a graphical and easy to use benchmark for media in the Pandora & Pyra.

Has anyone ported a disk benchmark utility for Pandora or Pyra?

Is there any reason why the benchmarking pieces of gnome-disks couldn't/shouldn't be brought over?

Yes - similar things can be done manually from the command line using dd, but not as easily or with pretty pictures.
Yeah, I do all my benchmarking with dd, either from /dev/urandom or /dev/zero. I guess I could pipe the results into a csv file and load it into a spreadsheet, but I usually know what block size I care about when I'm doing it, and getting pretty pictures out of simple spreadsheets is a particular failing of mine - I can never tell exactly what I've done wrong or how to fix it.