Port Requests

Hi all :)

I had a PHP / MySQL training session today. The teacher was very enthusiast about Sublime Text, and that's the editor we used. It looks like a nice piece of software, but unfortunately it's closed source... :(

After a quick search, I found two open source alternatives to Sublime: Atom and Brackets.

Do you think they'd run correctly on the Pandora ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
Yeah Sublime is very nice, but closed source.
Atom needs node.js (and VS:Code too), and I still stugle to get that thing running on the Pandora.

Brackets I don't know, but it seems similar to Atom, and looks like a node.js app too.
I'm planning to add it directly in codeblocks, so it will be accessible from C::B command line.

(the buttons in the toolbars are missing beacuase it's not properly installed yet, just launch from src/ )
What do you think?
I can also put latest emacs...
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@ptitSeb calling upon our mighty porter super heroes: https://github.com/jsettlers/settlers-remake
it seems to be an already functioning settlers 3 clone, engine has been open sourced and the whole thing supposedly runs on linux very well. It's a java program and requires java 1.7/1.8

The weird thing is, they apparently have been developing this since 2011, but I've never heard of it anywhere. Seems to have an improved AI, too.
@ptitSeb thanks a bunch! I just tried it on an older laptop running mint 17. it seems to be very much complete. I think you can only play the romans though. Some UI features are still missing and it might be too heavy for pandora, not sure about that.
@xnopasaranx : just tried JSettlers, and got this
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: jsettlers/main/swing/SwingManagedJSettlers : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
Looks bad. I'll dig a bit, but not sure I can fix that easily.
That just means that the byte code has been compiled for a Java 8 target. The website still claims Java 7 compatibility, but I'm not interested enough to try building it. (It's Settlers 3 after all, the one where Blue Byte took the wrong turn:)
Yeah, but I don't see any other binary package.
There is no build system, you need to use Eclipse to build it seem (and I don't this kind of setup)...
We could also try running Java 8 with notaz's hardfloat compatibility layer.
The list of extensions they use is pretty large and it seems glshim supports only a few.
I checked, and Widelands seems to only have an OpenGL 2.0 path now. I don't think there is a fixed pipeline (like there was before) for glshim. The shaders seems simple, but I'm not sure what function are use (I suspect many fixed-pipeline function are still use, making a GLES 2 conversion painfull).