Port Request: OpenOffice/LibreOffice


Aug 25, 2003

I recieved my pandora a month ago and i'm really pleased with the product and proud to own one.

Anyway, i don't know anything about porting software but i think that a real office suite would be great on the pandora. I know there's abiword and Gnumeric.

OpenOffice can be run on linux.

here's a link to download page : http://download.openoffice.org/other.html

"OpenOffice.org uses a single open-source license for the source code and a separate documentation license for most documents published on the website without the intention of being included in the product. The source-code license is the GNU Lesser General Public License."

Again, I don't if it's possible, just an idea
It is funny, that you talk to linux users as if they don't know what OpenOffice is ;)

No, seriously, it is really hard to port. There would need to be someone, who compiled it for arm-debian or something to make it happen. Also it is not in the angstrom repos. That alone says a lot.
There are many alternatives like KOFFICE, OO4Kids [less dependencies] and more..
StreaK: you port and setup KDE and I compile KOffice. Deal? ;)
let me setup donation firstly :) . ... No way :) . I have no pressure for OO / KOFFIce so i will not do it.. Abiword is enough for me since it reads OO/Doc formats.

btw. There's LYX as well , http://www.lyx.org/Screenshots which is BEST alternative to OO so far [build only on top of QT and few libs]
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There's LYX as well , http://www.lyx.org/Screenshots which is BEST alternative to OO so far [build only on top of QT and few libs]
Or you can go for the real thing and use LaTeX, which works great in a debian extend :D

It would probably be interesting to do a PND for the whole texlive thing, but it would be quite big.
Agreed. I would love to see a TeXLive PND.

I really can't stand LyX. It's a nice idea, but it tries to completely hide LaTeX and works really poorly with custom TeX commands. I am used to write LaTeX commands directly and each of my document contains at least a screen of custom commands. LyX really doesn't handle that scenario in a proper way. AUCTeX is a better option in my opinion.
Actually, there IS an ARM compiled OpenOffice in Debian (or Ubuntu?)

I remember downloading the packages to PND it up, however, OpenOffice has so many files included in various directories (/usr/share/, etc.) and has a fixed path set in the binary that this wasn't possible.
i wish i could use pandebian but the icon disappears on me and its a hit or miss when installing :s a libreoffice pnd would make my day
Actually, there IS an ARM compiled OpenOffice in Debian (or Ubuntu?)

I remember downloading the packages to PND it up, however, OpenOffice has so many files included in various directories (/usr/share/, etc.) and has a fixed path set in the binary that this wasn't possible.

Sounds like a job for aufs, if you fancy poking pencils into your eyes to get it there ;)

Thanks for taking time to discuss about that.

I said OpenOffice because that the one i know but any office suite would be great.

I'd like to use the pandora with TV out cable (when it will be available) to show presentation, using sofware like powerpoint. It will be much more easier to carry my pandora than my 6 y/o laptop.

Anyway, im glad to be part of the community and part of the pandora adventure.
I'd like to use the pandora with TV out cable (when it will be available) to show presentation, using sofware like powerpoint. It will be much more easier to carry my pandora than my 6 y/o laptop.

An option that would work out-of-the-box would be to build presentations with a program that allows you to export to PDF and display those on the pandora with evince (already included in the nand).

Personally I use the beamer package of LaTeX, which is not exactly an office suite :) but I believe that Open|LibreOffice have a PDF export option too.

I remember that there was also a cool project to create a presentation system based on a beagleboard: PicoFlamingo <http://papermint-des...m/picoflamingo/>; maybe the OpenGL ES presentation software can be run on the Pandora.
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Yes, LibreOffice can export to PDF.

Not going to start a flame war, but if for you what 'normal' desktop Linux does is more important than emulation and games, consider installing Debian, Archlinux or Gentoo to an SD card and using it. 8 gigabytes should be enough, and you can have two of these - one with Pandora OS, another with other Linux, and use each for what it suits better. This way you'll have acces to wider variety of software and won't have to wait for someone to port it for you.
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AbiWord doesn't work for me. No, I don't mean it's not good enough, I mean it doesn't work. It crashes before displaying anything. Of course, I'm talking about the PND, not the one that apparently used to be bundled; my Pandora came with HF5.

A little more on-topic, there is no good reason to port OpenOffice.org That would be like porting Netscape at this point. LibreOffice, on the other hand, might be useful. Not to me, but to people that make and/or edit spreadsheets, slideshows, or other stuff LibreOffice has programs for. I might have use for a working AbiWord at some point, though.

EDIT: Hm, that's interesting. I never tried the AbiWord from the Repo apparently, because that one works. :shrug:
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An option that would work out-of-the-box would be to build presentations with a program that allows you to export to PDF and display those on the pandora with evince (already included in the nand).

Yep. If you don't plan modifying your presentation on the go PDF is the best solution. IIRC it even supports some transition effects between pages (not sure if they works on evince though). It would be nice if somebody ported xpdf - evince is nice and handy in most cases but could be very slow on documents containing large bitmap images or complicated drawings.
No, for the above mentioned reasons.

LibreOffice is a fork of OpenOffice.