ok i just found out about the GP32, ans i must say it looks cool, at first i was 100% sure i needed one, as playing Roms on PC just doesnt cut it, but the more i have read the more i am wondering if i should wait...here is my dilema:
ok i would be basicly be using the GP32 for Roms..and maybe some of the ported game (ie doom etc..) but i have read lots of things saying that lots of games dont really work (i am refering to the OpenSnesX9 VS SnesX9 or whatever) i hear lots of scary words like...frame drop! and no SOUND (i live for midi lol)!! dun dun dun!
i guess all i want to know is what will my impressions be of the GP32's emulating abilities, i am coming from a zsnes baground here (oh and why has no one ported zsnes??) will my Crono cross/trigger/ FF's/secret of mana/yes i love rpg's
work? (add to that all cool side scrollers
) and what are the chances i'll find some obscure cool game only to find it wont work on the GP32?
also another thing that puzzles me is can you costomize the buttns in the snes emulators?
*gasp* and yet more
i also saw you can run stuff like monkey island etc.. on it (that rocks) but how well and..HOW? do you have to buy the game and copy the files to the SMC?
also i assume you run the emulators and roms of the SMC right? not some crazy load stuff into the sys mem every time you want to run it?
any info you can offer will be of great help (i just cant decide if i should get one atm...arrg its killing me) oh and also should i go (if i do get one) BLU, FLU, NLU...and what are the pro's con's of each?
oh and i dont suppose there are any australian's here..who are in canberra..maybe going to the ANU who have a GP32 that i could acctualy see and feel ? (that would be good but not really necesary)
boy i ask a lot dont i lol..anyway thats it i sware
ok i would be basicly be using the GP32 for Roms..and maybe some of the ported game (ie doom etc..) but i have read lots of things saying that lots of games dont really work (i am refering to the OpenSnesX9 VS SnesX9 or whatever) i hear lots of scary words like...frame drop! and no SOUND (i live for midi lol)!! dun dun dun!
i guess all i want to know is what will my impressions be of the GP32's emulating abilities, i am coming from a zsnes baground here (oh and why has no one ported zsnes??) will my Crono cross/trigger/ FF's/secret of mana/yes i love rpg's
also another thing that puzzles me is can you costomize the buttns in the snes emulators?
*gasp* and yet more
i also saw you can run stuff like monkey island etc.. on it (that rocks) but how well and..HOW? do you have to buy the game and copy the files to the SMC?
also i assume you run the emulators and roms of the SMC right? not some crazy load stuff into the sys mem every time you want to run it?
any info you can offer will be of great help (i just cant decide if i should get one atm...arrg its killing me) oh and also should i go (if i do get one) BLU, FLU, NLU...and what are the pro's con's of each?
oh and i dont suppose there are any australian's here..who are in canberra..maybe going to the ANU who have a GP32 that i could acctualy see and feel ? (that would be good but not really necesary)
boy i ask a lot dont i lol..anyway thats it i sware