Pandora PNDs: Emergency exit key(combination)?


Advanced Member
Mar 17, 2009
In my upcoming good practices manual for guihints, I would like to suggest two 'fixed' button mappings. One is that in games that can be paused, pausing should be possible via the Start button.

The other fixed button mapping is meant as a 'last' resort for people who are stuck in a Pandora software. I'd like to suggest a certain key or key combination that's ideally implemented by everyone (yes I know, what a totally crazy thought, right?), which opens up a quit dialog that allows users to exit (as in terminate) the software even in case of user-panic.

Well, this topic here is to discuss what key or key combination that should be. /If/ this becomes used across at least some software, then even if the key(combination) is implemented non-hardwired, it might not be changeable without causing some conflicts, so discussing the actual key(combination) is most important (or at least more important than the actual implementation).
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Task killer will typically not show up when using fullscreen apps (e.g. anything using notaz' SDL). Also not when the app is crashing badly. So the task killer is not really that useful atm, imo.

I'd suggest ESC as an exit key: it is already used frequently and you don't hit it accidentally.
I'll vote for Pandora button + flicking the power switch ^_^
Really? What happened to it? My alternative for you then is the two buttons on the back of the unit, press them together :P
I fumbled when I was putting my PCB in a ESD protection bag while waiting for a new case, fell on the floor, made a few flips and broke the tab extending from the power switch :P
I mapped Ctrl+Alt+q to bring up a terminal which is usually much more reliable than the task killer... But i agree a key combo that will instantly kill the current app is needed. I usually go on my ipod's terminal app and ssh into my pandora to kill frozen apps, the main ones being frogatto and super mario war.
I'd suggest ESC as an exit key: it is already used frequently and you don't hit it accidentally.
Isn't the Esc key too versatile to make it quit a software at any time?

Yes, if you're talking about a "hard kill" key combo, ESC would be a bad choice. I was thinking about default "normal quit" keys; ESC seems logical there (not necessarily to do instant quit but at least quit to main menu or something and when repeatedly pressed eventually quitting the app).
Personally I've gone for ESQ or Q to quit. However, one problem I can potentially see with this thread is that when you need a 'last resort' to exit an application, it is usually because that application has crashed/stopped responding/started misbehaving, and in these cases, it is quite likely the application isn't going to be correctly processing keyboard events. Sure, with the correct software design something could potentially be set up so there is a separate thread that purely listens for said key press so it can act it, but I don't think that accounts for how 99% of software is probably written!

Something that runs at the system level (such as an overlay, task manager) that always draws in front of all windows (of full screen games etc.) sounds more likely to work, however I appreciate there are difficulties with making this work!

I hope someone finds a solution.
