Pmenu Going To Be Available?


Mar 25, 2008
Hey there!

I see on the pandora is minimenu and xfce. I tried out the "out-of-date" firmware image and I saw the cool looking Pmenu.

I like the way it was laid out. Is Pmenu going to be available? If not, why not and is the source code available for those who want it?

Thanks again for all the hard work.
It's already in the main firmware, but crashes when you move to some of the tabs.
SomeGuy99 said:
It's already in the main firmware, but crashes when you move to some of the tabs.

Duh.. I guess I should've checked first, eh? :P
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Noisome said:
SomeGuy99 said:
It's already in the main firmware, but crashes when you move to some of the tabs.

Duh.. I guess I should've checked first, eh? :P

I wonder if something was added in hotfix 2, because I don't remember it running before.
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Gruso said:
I was wondering about this. It would have been a shame to see Cpasjuste's work go to waste (especially with all the sexy skins that were made).

What about the Ubuntu Netbook Launcher? Is that still in there?

Yeah, but as it's a Window Manager, it won't run unless you drop out of XFCE. I can't figure out how to kill XFCE, and googling didn't help!

If you run 'killall xfce4-session' it just restarts.

Shame there aren't some sexy minimenu skins. Poor minimenu... no love!
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