I have the Little Wizard game for my GP32 and wanted to know how I can back the game up to my pc incase the smc get damaged, also wanted to try it in the GEEPEE emulator for pc, just out of curiosity. Any ideas ?
Well, to backup, just save the .zpk (if you got it off JoyGP), or put the SMC in the GP32, Pc-Link it, and copy all the filse on the SMC to your comp (but if you got it on SMC, and the SMC breaks, it won't run on a diffrent SMC anyways, so theres really no point in backing it up if you got it on SMC) If you want to run it on GEEPEE, you need to hack it, which could also let you illegaly run it where its not supposed to be, so I don't think I can tell you
It is not illegal to play in GeePee if you own the SMC, BUT the method you use to make it possible to do it could let you do illegal things with it, so I can't tell you. (not that I know anyways )
I think you're going to need a program that can convert files to .smc. Then you could extract the files in the .zpk file and use the program to create a .smc file which can be loaded by geepee32, but I don't think a program like that exists.
Can you do this?! When I tried I got a message aying that I can't copy GP32-GP32 to PC. I wanted to fix up my GPMM folder but now I'm going to do it with A SMC reader/writer.
You can copy GP32 to PC, and PC to GP32 w/ PcLink, but ofcourse everyone NEEDS a SMC reader/writer, its faster and you can do GP32 to GP32 and PC to PC (well, you don't really need a SMC reader for that )