Playing Adom On Pandora?

Jul 30, 2008
Gdansk, Poland

One of the games I wish to play most, is ADOM roguelike game (you can check it out on ). The game is closed source, but there is a dos version (and linux, and windows and mac). So I bet that running it under dosbox should be possible. But it needs 80x25 text mode - I suppose it's possible to get 80x25 textmode under 800x480 resolution, right?

Another thing is that to walk around in ADOM rogelike I need 8 directions - walking diagonally is possible also (when playing on my PC I'm using the numpad keyboard). On the photos of Pandora I can see two controllers, but they appear to have 4 directions each... - is that true - do they have 4 directions?

For ADOM/dosbox to understand the walk command correctly those controllers would need to send keypresses being the numbers as '1' (walk left-down), '2' (walk down), '3' (walk down-right), etc... Is it possible to map those controller keys as such? (eg. with xmodmap)

But if the controllers have just 4 directions - is it possible to map a simulataneous keypress of left+down as pressing '1' and sending a single keypress event, to move diagonally? Or maybe they have 8 directions, but I can't just see that?

Otherwise I'd need to use one controller to move diagonally, and the other one to move orthogonally - but it wouldn't be fully comfortable.

thank you in advance you for your answers.
Pandora has not enogh buttons to represent ADOM keyset. You will need to do great config for that. Only a virtual or external USB keyboard can help
In original
F1-F? is used for tactic settings
1-9 is used for quick cast slots
quasist said:
Pandora has not enogh buttons to represent ADOM keyset. You will need to do great config for that. Only a virtual or external USB keyboard can help
In original
F1-F? is used for tactic settings
1-9 is used for quick cast slots
What do you mean? Either use the Function key in combination with the numeric for the F1-F?, or even configure the left or right shoulder button. This shouldn't be difficult at all.

And to the original poster, yes, I would image getting diagonals on the D-Pad to recognize in the manner you describe should be quite easy.
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How 'bout vulture's eye/claw? Same thing as nethack (or slash 'em in the case of vulture's claw), but in addition to the 'normal' tilesets you also get an isometric view.

Hey, the DS has powder, so why not?
slaanesh said:
I plan to port Nethack to Pandora as soon as I possibly can.

Thanks in advance, slaanesh, this (roguelikes in general) is one of the big draws for Pandora's control setup, IMO.

edit: Coincidentally, someone just sent me this recommendation:
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quasist said:
Pandora has not enogh buttons to represent ADOM keyset. You will need to do great config for that. Only a virtual or external USB keyboard can help
In original
F1-F? is used for tactic settings
1-9 is used for quick cast slots
I agree that the keyboard is not perfect, but I looked at it carefully and it shall suffice. For example my wife is never using F1-F7 for tactics settings - she prefers to press :T and + and - to change tactics. Keyboard mappings in adom are quite flexible. But you just said that virtual keyboard can help - of course - I forgot that we have a touchscreen. If there will be any problems, I'll try some customized virtual keyboard. So in general I'm sure that playing adom will be possible, question - how un/comfortable it will be?

ingrin said:
What do you mean? And to the original poster, yes, I would image getting diagonals on the D-Pad to recognize in the manner you describe should be quite easy.
You mean that simulataneous pressing down + left would generate a single keypress event '1' ? I would like to know how to do that :)

Thank you for all your replies.
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How about having the game take 640x480 of the screen and leave some space on the right/left side of the screen for a virtual keyboard that has the functions that aren't possible otherwise with the pandora keyboard?
I had just understood that those two analog sticks are in fact working like joysticks.

So will it be possible to map somehow movements of right analog stick in a way, that it generates for dosbox keypresses 1..9 (without '5'-center) just like directions on a numpad of an ordinary keyboard?

So I want to go down-left, and so I move analog stick in that direction, and adom/dosbox receives a keypress '1' ?
cosurgi said:
I had just understood that those two analog sticks are in fact working like joysticks.

So will it be possible to map somehow movements of right analog stick in a way, that it generates for dosbox keypresses 1..9 (without '5'-center) just like directions on a numpad of an ordinary keyboard?

So I want to go down-left, and so I move analog stick in that direction, and adom/dosbox receives a keypress '1' ?
That behavior would have to be hacked into the dosbox code.
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