Plastic Spray Paint


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Feb 17, 2004
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Can anyone reccomend spray paint that will stay on plastics?

I am doing a mod to my saturn, so I want to do it well :) . Im also going to chip it and add a switch, or get a 4in1 cart.
I think on google theres some pretty good things if you type in "plastic spray paint". But on a serious note, just go to a hardware store and ask them what you wan't and they will find you some, just pick out a color/texture (that would be funny to see a textured console) you like and you should be on your way.
I'd reccomend plasti-kote. I got a can from b and q or somewhere and sprayed some plastic speakers with it and it came up well. Seems to be what a lot of modders use on plasitc.
I'd reccomend plasti-kote. I got a can from b and q or somewhere and sprayed some plastic speakers with it and it came up well. Seems to be what a lot of modders use on plasitc.
thats good spray paint... Cheap as well :D... £2.57 from "Wilkinsons" hehe... Rub the saturn down with some Nice Very Fine 800 or higher wet and dry sand paper, Put a Primer on it, let it dry, get your spray and spray it evenly and let it dry. Now apply another coat to it and if you have enough, when its dried put another coat on it :D

Now Polish it with some Car Polish :P and it will look coooool :P
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Well im only going to do the top half until I get another saturn, because I dont want to break it just yet ;)