
The only Linux n64 emulator I'm aware of is Mupen. I'm not sure if the source is available, if it can be compiled for the processor, or even how stable it would be. I run it on my Mythbox, and it runs some things quite well and relatively low system requirements, but many roms don't run at all, and some have really garbled graphics.
Gaidin said:
The only Linux n64 emulator I'm aware of is Mupen. I'm not sure if the source is available, if it can be compiled for the processor, or even how stable it would be. I run it on my Mythbox, and it runs some things quite well and relatively low system requirements, but many roms don't run at all, and some have really garbled graphics.
the source is available on this forum
the lates verson is v1.1
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HackModford said:
Does anybody have any plans on making the N64 Emulator? (I need one!)
Great! Don't think anyone else is doing one at the moment; so go for it - if you get this going well there'll be plenty of people very pleased.
Looking forward to seeing this released; good luck and thanks for taking it up.
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