Xeron said:
Do you mean you have a broken D-Pad?
No, I meant the d-pad is not working with planet hively. I can see a mouse cursor on the upper left corner of the screen, but it won't move.
If not, there is a special mode in planet hively for platforms without a pointing device that assumes at least a D-Pad and two buttons. It works like this:
* Point the D-Pad in one of the 8 possible directions and hit button 1 to choose a petal on the tunes flower.
* Point the D-Pad in one of the 8 possible directions and hit button 2 to choose a petal on the text flower.
* When the text viewer is open, use the D-Pad to scroll it
* Press button 1 & 2 together to close the text viewer
It works perfectly, thanks

The sound is too loud though. Is there any key sequence to choose the sun and then exit ?
You can't kill the butterflies or
hear the bonus track without a pointing device, though.
Bonus track ? :blink: