Pinned Thread With Usefull Info ?


Oct 7, 2008
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Haven't been on this board long, but done quite a lot of reading.

Is there a possibility for a pinned thread with the status-update ? I know there is one, but it has 7 pages of posts right now, and only 1 post containing relevant info. Maybe a locked thread would be nice. When we see a new post in the thread, we know some new info is available and we don't have to read all of those post saying "I received my email" and "no posts for me yet" as wel as "pay before refund", "pay after refund", "credit" or "debit", ... .

Same (but different) for the "re-order" thread. That one has 9 pages of posts already, and most of those post are not about re-orders. I keep on reading "I received my email" and "no posts for me yet" as wel as "pay before refund", "pay after refund", "credit" or "debit", ... .
I like to read that stuff when I'm in the mood for it, but (now the suggestion) :
Pin a thread about the re-orders, the first one that posts there is someone living in the UK that received his/her re-order mail. When others check the thread and see their country is not listed yet, and they already received the reorder mail, then (and only then) they post "Living in ...., received reorder mail" or something like that. That way others can easily follow how re-ordering is progressing.

Those 2 nice threads could be very usefull to check the board while being at work (you can check what you need to know in a few seconds) and then read all the other info about "debit", "credit", "before refund", "after refund", "he's a newbie", "no he isn't", ... in the evening when you get home from work ...

Anyway, I liked the story about the meteor leaving a smoking crator ...

From a newbie, with faith,
Have fun and faith,
I liked that meteor thread too...

A while back there were loads of stickies, but i think they were removed, as a lot of them were telling people what not to make topics about, and then the rest of the page was filled with topics about said things not to make topics about, the stickies just took up too much space.

If there are any big new developments then i'm sure chip will make another sticky, and if required remove the old one, he's good like that.

So you'll find out when all the emails have been sent out, untill then just keep checking I suppose. I'm not gonna trust waiting for my email, so I'm gonna keep checking the bank, and then contact them if I get a refund.
when theres new info that is 100 percent confirmed it will be in the sticky or in the dev updates thread
Bramrash said:
If there are any big new developments then i'm sure chip will make another sticky, and if required remove the old one, he's good like that.
Ok, I can live with that ...


So you'll find out when all the emails have been sent out, untill then just keep checking I suppose. I'm not gonna trust waiting for my email, so I'm gonna keep checking the bank, and then contact them if I get a refund.

I just don't want to "keep checking". How do we know when to check ? We don't. A simple system with only one user per country posting could solve this. It would ask a bit of discipline from us to avoid other posts ...
When you see your country listed and another post after that with another country that would mean they are not sending mails to your country any longer (if I understand the system). Quite simple, no ?

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But then you'd still have to keep checking that post, and then when your country does appear, keep checking your emails again...

What you're suggesting is simple, but no more so than just checking your emails. You wont have to reorder as soo as you get the email, so just check once every few days if you really don't want to.

And what If they don't do it exactly country by country, then you might stop checking and it comes, and then because you hate checking emails so much you wont see it till next year or something :P

I dunno, it just seems a bit uneccessary to me, but I suppose some others might want it, so this is the last I'll say on the matter.
The only part of that thread that really matters is the first post. It contains everything you need to know - the rest is just speculation and a few clarifications. When something seriously important happens, it will get its own sticky, or at least get linked in the Dev Update list.

You don't have to "keep checking" anything. If you check your email once a day (and I'm sure you do that anyway), that is plenty. If you don't trust your email provider (Get one you do trust. Seriously) then just wait two weeks and check your bank. By then all the refunds will certainly have been sent and enough time will have passed for even the laziest banks to have processed them. I don't know when which regions will start getting refunds other than the order I listed in the first post. I don't know how many days each will take. We're probably not going to get any sort of announcements on the matter, and we really don't need any.

If you get an email sometime between now and this time next week, then you need to re-order. If you don't, you don't. I said exactly that in the first post on the sticky, and I'm not sure what else I could possibly say to make it clearer that deserves yet another sticky.
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Chip said:
The only part of that thread that really matters is the first post. It contains everything you need to know - the rest is just speculation and a few clarifications. When something seriously important happens, it will get its own sticky, or at least get linked in the Dev Update list.

You don't have to "keep checking" anything. If you check your email once a day (and I'm sure you do that anyway), that is plenty. If you don't trust your email provider (Get one you do trust. Seriously) then just wait two weeks and check your bank. By then all the refunds will certainly have been sent and enough time will have passed for even the laziest banks to have processed them. I don't know when which regions will start getting refunds other than the order I listed in the first post. I don't know how many days each will take. We're probably not going to get any sort of announcements on the matter, and we really don't need any.

If you get an email sometime between now and this time next week, then you need to re-order. If you don't, you don't. I said exactly that in the first post on the sticky, and I'm not sure what else I could possibly say to make it clearer that deserves yet another sticky.

You've got a point, but I feel a bit misunderstood.

My suggestion wasn't meant to be critisism on your work, you're doing a great job and I appreciate that a lot.
I'm not worried about the refund-reorder stuff, and not about delivery either, and I trust my email provider, even my bank can be trusted. But it looks like some other people don't (look what I quoted a few posts back and there are several - quite a lot - remarks like that in other threads).
I was only suggesting an easy way to keep track of the outgoing reorder mails, since - as you tell - the devs won't tell us how far they got (and I don't expect them to, they've got other things on their minds).
The way I suggested was just a way to help/inform each other without having to bother the devs or the mods ... .

edit :
I won't be able to follow this anyway, I've been told today my dad has got only a few days left to live, so I'll probably be off line the first couple of days ....
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