Hi guys,]
I used to love these pinball sims and was just wondering if any body is playing them. I have just been playing on pinball fx on the xbox360 and it brought it all back.
Stones and Bones what a table, loved the Train one too. Glad to hear they work on the GP2x. Along with Paradroid90 they as good as got me chucked out of 6thform.
I have been having trouble with dosbox so will try a new install of latest files.
just cant leave Pinball Fx by Zen Studios alone now - wonder what it gonna cost this time . A homebrew pinball table would be cool too.
But jeeze I see what you mean about an interesting Google :blink: :blink: So many pinball simulators - never knew there was so many its incredible. I can feel the compulsive/obsessive need to do a little research project. Wonder how many articles are out here?
laters peeps