Pinball Dream Cheats???


Still Fresh
Jul 15, 2004
I don't think there are any cheats for this game....
But something strange happend to me while I was playing Steel Wheels yesterday,
I hit some kind of combo on the spinning thing, and I loost the ball right after I
won a extra ball, I think....
As the bonus x came up I got 7 of them, and thougt something was wrong....
and something was wrong, very wrong.... I was sitting there and played one ball
after another. I had to quit after 19th ball...

WTF happend?? I must have activated somekind of cheat, I remeberd I
did something with the joystick right before the 7x bonus thing happend.
Exactly the same 'feature' appeared for me but whilst playing Billion Dollar Gameshow from Pinball Fantasies on the GBA.

This unlimited extra balls feature only ever happened once, and i chortled with glee at the prospect of setting a high-score that the girlfriend would NEVER come anywhere close to beating....

...and then after about extraball number 67 i realised that the game would never come to an end and that my supremely unattainable highscore would never get registered on the highscore table.

In which case, what's the point? One might as well just patch the game with a trainer if you want to play unlimited balls. Still, i'm intrigued too as to how this bug is revealed.
Yep, also happened to me on GP32 Pinball Dreams.

And for a while after I got the never ending extra ball cheat (had to switch off like you guys) I was able to get the x bonus cheat. Can't do it for the life of me now, though.
Cool that others have had this "problem" :)

It is not fun with unlimited balls, never going on to the Highscore board.
Me and my wife is playing each other off the board all the time, trying to
reach the ulitmate high score :P
It happened to me too a few times, but it was mostly on the Beat Box table
This is an Amiga Extra Balls cheat. Let me know if it works on the GP.

When playing on any table, press Up, Down, Left, Left, Right, Down, Up. You will get 20 extra balls.