Picodrive Sound Hangs


Active Member
Dec 15, 2005
Picodrive is a near flawless emulator, but I've long noticed some sound hangs in Marble Madness. It wasn't that big a deal because it would usually only hang a few seconds and the beginning/end of levels.

Last night I was playing Dune for Genesis on my gp2x for the first time and I noticed a nasty sound hang while playing the first level that didn't seem to want to go away. It's really annoying and basically required turning off the sound altogether.

Anyone seen these bugs before, or know how to address them? I tried accurate timing but that didn't help. Not sure what else to try.
naples39 said:
Last night I was playing Dune for Genesis on my gp2x for the first time and I noticed a nasty sound hang while playing the first level that didn't seem to want to go away. It's really annoying and basically required turning off the sound altogether.
You have to keep "accurate timing" on at all times, or else it's sound driver crashes. The option won't help after it happens..

naples39 said:
I've long noticed some sound hangs in Marble Madness. It wasn't that big a deal because it would usually only hang a few seconds and the beginning/end of levels.
This one triggers some kind of bug, I'll check that.
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