Picodrive Or Rom Bug?


Sep 19, 2006
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I've searched around with google, but cannot fine other references to this bug. Or it may not be a bug at all.
Monster Lair 4 was released to japan only, but it is an excellent game. It was been translated to english a while ago. (Details can probably be found at romhacking.net)

I'm not sure if this is part of the game or it is a bug. Can someone with knowledge of the game chime in?

On the first few levels there are little blob like creatures that attack you. The first are light blue and the second are orange. Sometimes these creatures are completely visible, sometimes they are invisible until the land. (Which, incidentally, makes dieing easy).

On my GP2X, I have turned up all the settings, (Vsync, 16bit Accurate, no stretching, Accurate timing, accurate sprites
On my Mac, using Genesis Plus, the problem is still there.

Since I'm using a Mac, I'm wondering if any PC/Linux users can test this ROM on various emulators to see if it is a game bug or a emulator bug, or what.

Either way, it is an excellent game, and you should all be playing it.
doc5avage said:

I've searched around with google, but cannot fine other references to this bug. Or it may not be a bug at all.
Monster Lair 4 was released to japan only, but it is an excellent game. It was been translated to english a while ago. (Details can probably be found at romhacking.net)

I'm not sure if this is part of the game or it is a bug. Can someone with knowledge of the game chime in?

On the first few levels there are little blob like creatures that attack you. The first are light blue and the second are orange. Sometimes these creatures are completely visible, sometimes they are invisible until the land. (Which, incidentally, makes dieing easy).

On my GP2X, I have turned up all the settings, (Vsync, 16bit Accurate, no stretching, Accurate timing, accurate sprites
On my Mac, using Genesis Plus, the problem is still there.

Since I'm using a Mac, I'm wondering if any PC/Linux users can test this ROM on various emulators to see if it is a game bug or a emulator bug, or what.

Either way, it is an excellent game, and you should all be playing it.
I just played this game about a week ago, and it looks fine to me... Maybe you have a bad ROM? There are several different translation versions. I'm using one that says "Partial," but so far it looks fine.
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1.40c, thanks notaz. I'll test some other roms first.

PS. This should probably be in the Emulation forum, if any mods would like to move it.
Yrx said:
I just played this game about a week ago, and it looks fine to me... Maybe you have a bad ROM? There are several different translation versions. I'm using one that says "Partial," but so far it looks fine.
Thanks Yrx. Turns out that it was a rom patch bug. Demi force released an update to the wonderboy6 english translation. In the patch notes it says that as of 1.02, the "flicker" bug is resolved.

I reran this patch over my original japanese rom, and the problem has gone away.

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