Game Editor 1.3.9 Is Out


Still Fresh
Aug 23, 2006
The new version of Game Editor works with the F200 touch screen. :) Now if I just had the F200 I would be set. :P

Here is what is new from the site.

The Game Editor 1.3.9 has been released.

Here is the changes:

- Make games for the GP2X F200 with touch screen support
- Using PocketHAL 1.0.2[cut]
- Bug "Crash when some games try to load new actors in stand alone mode" removed
- Bug "Doesn't show the file dialog in some machines" removed
- Bug "Crash when use the erase function in GP2X" removed
- Bug "Move the view to a wrong position when refer to an actor in other Activation Region" removed
- Bug "Wrong screen in Moto Q" removed
- Bug "Wrong screen in Gizmondo" removed
- Bug "Sometimes, if an actor is created in a collision, it will not receive collision events" removed
- Bug "Wrong paint in some GP2X games" removed
- Bug "Can't run a game from the command prompt" removed
- Bug "Don't set the game title in exported games" removed
- Bug "Don't create actors with animation sequences" removed
- Bug "Receive events if out of vision not working when the actor starts out of the view" removed
- Bug "The avoid option of the Move To action doesn't works in the Draw Actor event" removed
- Bug "Wrong position when use negative coordinates in the GP2X" removed
- Bug "Can't open geds with big scritps" removed

Thanks to Kodo, Jacob, trajecto, Kuraudo-sama and to all Game Editor users thats keep this sofware evolving.

To download this version in Game Editor Professional uses the Help -> Check for Updates menu.
Get the demo version here:

Check it out at

Regestered users just go into GE's HELP then CHECK FOR UPDATES to get the new version.[/cut]