Picodrive On A Mobile Phone!


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Straight from Zophar.net:

A new port of PicoDrive has been released for the Nokia Series 60/N-Gage phones. From the website:
PicoDrive is a MegaDrive/Genesis emulator for UIQ ported by SomeOne from Dave's original PicoDrive. It uses Cyclone 68000 as the CPU core. It's very much in an alpha state, but some games are playable.
This is available from our Emulators for Digital Phones section.


Now there's a reason to get a Nokia phone, eh?
fDaves PicoDrive ported by SomeOne on a Nokia phone :)
i have serious doubts about playability, but anyway we have our gp32's, so why would you need a mobile?

i see the greatness this has for the ngage though.
c0ncept posted on May 24 2004 at 03:27 PM said:
thats pretty nifty, in fact I suppose it would almost make up for the fact that you actually owned an Ngage!!
Hell, no. It works on any Series 60 based device.

From a newssite:

"Examples of announced Series 60 based devices include the Nokia 3660, Nokia 6600, Nokia N-Gage, Siemens SX1 and Sendo X."

So, no, you won't need the n-gage :)
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I have picodrive for the p900 running on my motorola a925 :D
full speed it seems and sonic is pretty playable.
Wub... I have the version that's optimized for the a920 - full screen etc.

Let me know if you want to try it on yer a925 (I'm using a925 firmware on my a920, so it should work fine).
lol more ngage bashing

the thing kicks butt and is free lol i still dont see peoples problem with it if only the GP32 had something as good as Fifa or The Sims or Tomb Raider or or or

lets do a quick gp vs ngage

sound - gp stereo, ngage stereo
screen size / resolution - gp wins by a mile
screen brightness - ngage wins
controls - ngage wins
mp3 playback as standard - a draw
video playback as standard - ngage has real player built in.. and image viewers.. audio applications.. a shit hot operating system...
storage - ngage wins (MMC cards go up to 1 gig .. imagine if only eh)
videos - playback always better on gp due to screen size (already credited and the only thing winning so far). but.. Real Media and Quicktime vids are similarish to lovely DivX - 15mbs=half an hour of video
weight - ngage easy winner
ease of handling - a draw. both feel great

emulators - ngage has doom, scumm, mame, PICODRIVE (awesome gen/megadrive emu), frodo, Gameboy Color (really good), YewNES and Neo Geo Pocket. so gp32 probably wins, but ngage is catching up

software !!! ngage wins by a light year. maybe 2 good games on the gp32 officially. on the ngage there are a stack now, they are tasty.

also plays all the top java phone games.

multiplayer - ngage wins. bluetooth for 2 player or more. also online gaming.

price - i've spent about £180 on my gp flu now along with a case and cards and batteries and headphones. ngage was free pay as you go.

there's no radio on a gp. ngage has.

keyboard input. chatboard support is seperate and not integrated into the handheld. this is 'not as good' for me.. i had a c=64 and it was all together, same as the ngage

really dont see peoples problem with the ngage, it is superb and boasts such advanced things which a gp cannot handle like a 'clock' and 'calendar' and 'diary'......

how many points in favour have i mentioned ? consider that before whinging about screen size. do yourself a favour, get one, they are free what is the problem lolol
Magic Knight posted on May 30 2004 at 10:34 PM said:
price - i've spent about £180 on my gp flu now along with a case and cards and batteries and headphones. ngage was free pay as you go.
How the hell did you get it free on pay as you go??
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axeman, yes i got mine in the store. link are brokers so you can fight for a better deal than with vodaphone etc... this was in march, they got minimum commission from me as they only 'signed me onto a tariff' - and as mentioned.. i havent used the phone to speak to anyone heh heh

dont know if they'll still have the deal on ? deffo worth an ask... if you have a mobile already you could try for a free upgrade but just give em some stick and it should work, i was in there an hour all in

all the games can cough be found, just bought meself a 128mb stick ;) oh... doom is another thing i forgot - good port of that, though not as good as gp as no wad support :(

also just found out it does actually play divx :)