Picodrive Mega Cd Help: Sonic Cd No Sound


Still Fresh
Mar 25, 2005
Bishan, Singapore
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hi good day,

I just gotten my gp2x two days ago.

Sonic CD: iso + the 30 plus mp3 files.

I used Picodrive to run it, however there is no BGM (sound effects yes... sonic hits thorns, sonic gets ring etc).

Understand from the Picodrive FAQ i supposed to ISO+mp3.

Do I add every mp3 into the ISO using software like UltraISO / MagicISO? or do I just simply place all the mp3 together with the directory where the sonic cd.iso is?

I did the latter, which results in no BGM...

Thank you.
How are they named? You may have to re-name them ...

ex: sonic.iso, sonic2.mp3, etc ...
TelcoLou said:
How are they named? You may have to re-name them ...

ex: sonic.iso, sonic2.mp3, etc ...

Yes, they are renamed according to the FAQ that comes with Picodrive, and as you described. Must I remove anything from the ISO? The sonic CD iso is about 110mb. I wonder if all the BGM tracks that can't be used are inside...
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Music tracks are always outside the ISO. I think you haven't enabled the music somewhere in the options (advanced options?). Can't remember where it is though. Make sure the second CPU is enabled for sound too.
imhotep said:
Music tracks are always outside the ISO. I think you haven't enabled the music somewhere in the options (advanced options?). Can't remember where it is though. Make sure the second CPU is enabled for sound too.
Thanks. Maybe the ISO's broken. I've tried to dl from a different source, it worked... :P
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