Physique Release


VIP Sleaze
Jun 22, 2004
Isle of Ewe
I've completed my new Fenix game, Physique. It's Basically Tyrannophysique but with more stuff and without bugs and stuff.

Download it here:
It is very addictive. I tried it in Flamebird and will soon send it to my GP. Nice work! :)
i couldn't resist
i tryed the game, and the ball moved pretty strange imo ^^
so i checked the code and it looked horrible ^^(in an inexperienced kind of way, learn a bit more about the possibilities of the language, you programmed it like it's BASIC, not using local/private variables, passing variables,processes that can adapt to a certain extent,...
just getting the info on the levels from your code is a challenge, splitting up the the rotation of the walls(walls process), the position (the level process), is pretty hard :s
i do have to admire that you finished it like that, all that code must have been confusing in the end ^^

so i programmed it the way i would have done it ^^, i also cleaned up the fpg a bit (no need for all thos ball bitmaps ^^)
i hope you like the way the ball behaves in my version (is pretty hard on the gp32 though, also a and b can be used to raise the ball)
and atm only 4 levels, but that's the great part, there's a textfile in the directory from where the game gets it's levels, so make all the levels you'd like :D
i'll quickly explain the levelfiles :)

level 4
to start with: all coordinates are for a 640*480 screen (yeah i know it's a 320*240 screen on the gamepark, but it has some technical reason)

every level starts with "level #", with #being it's number, there must be exactly one space between level and it's number ^^
next line: bg
next line: the number of the background (0 to 4)
next line:ball
next line:starting x coordinate of the ball
next line:starting y coordinate of the ball
next line:warps
the following lines have to be per 3:
first: x coordinate
second: y coordinate
third: 0 if it's a good warp,1 if it's a false one
next line:walls
the following lines have to be per 5
first: x coordinate
second: y coordinate
third: rotation speed (1000 = 1° per frame)
fourth: initial rotation (1000=1°)
fifth: scale (100=100%=full size)

and make sure you have done a return after the last line, or my program will read your file wrong!
make sure you don't skip a level etc... any mistake will cause the program to malfuncion ^^
btw, atm only textfiles up to 1000 lines supported (that's about 30-40 levels), if needed i'll increase it :)
and post your levels or requests for improovements here ;)

now i'm going to bed, it's really really late here, but i just had to make this program ^^
good night :) (for the record: originally it was instead of 1 line per number more like 1,1,1 but the gp32 port couldn't handle it :( )
I like the basic idea, but it looks and plays horrible. Sorry! :-S

The control and behaviour of the ball is very awkward and not exactly intuitive.
Other minor annoyances are the Fenix splash screen and that music file being saved as a WAV. It's way too big, can't you use a MIDI/MOD/MP3?

Racemaniac's version is better, but it's still not very fun to play given the horrible controls. I think the ball needs to be smaller, so that there's more time to steer the ball. In level 3 I found it impossible to even get the ball away from the start, but maybe that's just me.

Anyway, don't be discouraged by all of this, the next versions will surely be much better!
Dryer Lint posted on Oct 3 2005 at 02:45 PM said:
I like the basic idea, but it looks and plays horrible. Sorry! :-S

The control and behaviour of the ball is very awkward and not exactly intuitive.
Other minor annoyances are the Fenix splash screen and that music file being saved as a WAV. It's way too big, can't you use a MIDI/MOD/MP3?

Racemaniac's version is better, but it's still not very fun to play given the horrible controls. I think the ball needs to be smaller, so that there's more time to steer the ball. In level 3 I found it impossible to even get the ball away from the start, but maybe that's just me.

Anyway, don't be discouraged by all of this, the next versions will surely be much better!
here, a bit calmer controls, much more fun like this (i hope :P)
also coordinates for items are now on 320x240 base :)
and there's an extra variable for a ball, the scale, the standard ball is 50% :)
you can always make some levels or so :)

i don't think i'll do much more for this project, small changes like mod music or better graphics can easily be done by anyone ^^
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Racemaniac posted on Oct 3 2005 at 03:42 PM said:
Dryer Lint posted on Oct 3 2005 at 02:45 PM said:
I like the basic idea, but it looks and plays horrible. Sorry! :-S

The control and behaviour of the ball is very awkward and not exactly intuitive.
Other minor annoyances are the Fenix splash screen and that music file being saved as a WAV. It's way too big, can't you use a MIDI/MOD/MP3?

Racemaniac's version is better, but it's still not very fun to play given the horrible controls. I think the ball needs to be smaller, so that there's more time to steer the ball. In level 3 I found it impossible to even get the ball away from the start, but maybe that's just me.

Anyway, don't be discouraged by all of this, the next versions will surely be much better!
here, a bit calmer controls, much more fun like this (i hope :P)
also coordinates for items are now on 320x240 base :)
and there's an extra variable for a ball, the scale, the standard ball is 50% :)
you can always make some levels or so :)

i don't think i'll do much more for this project, small changes like mod music or better graphics can easily be done by anyone ^^
You've killed it! And I like this music, that's why I chose it. My code makes sense to me, and the reason the controls are strange is because It's basically a port of a flash game that people requested. no offense, but your controls are foul. the game's meant to be like it is for skill. I did the ball gfx a long itme ago when I didn't know about angles, and I've been coding fenix longer than you have!
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Goity posted on Oct 3 2005 at 03:53 PM said:
Racemaniac posted on Oct 3 2005 at 03:42 PM said:
Dryer Lint posted on Oct 3 2005 at 02:45 PM said:
I like the basic idea, but it looks and plays horrible. Sorry! :-S

The control and behaviour of the ball is very awkward and not exactly intuitive.
Other minor annoyances are the Fenix splash screen and that music file being saved as a WAV. It's way too big, can't you use a MIDI/MOD/MP3?

Racemaniac's version is better, but it's still not very fun to play given the horrible controls. I think the ball needs to be smaller, so that there's more time to steer the ball. In level 3 I found it impossible to even get the ball away from the start, but maybe that's just me.

Anyway, don't be discouraged by all of this, the next versions will surely be much better!
here, a bit calmer controls, much more fun like this (i hope :P)
also coordinates for items are now on 320x240 base :)
and there's an extra variable for a ball, the scale, the standard ball is 50% :)
you can always make some levels or so :)

i don't think i'll do much more for this project, small changes like mod music or better graphics can easily be done by anyone ^^
You've killed it! And I like this music, that's why I chose it. My code makes sense to me, and the reason the controls are strange is because It's basically a port of a flash game that people requested. no offense, but your controls are foul. the game's meant to be like it is for skill. I did the ball gfx a long itme ago when I didn't know about angles, and I've been coding fenix longer than you have!
i haven't seen the original... so i wouldn't know, i just prefer smoother physics, is much more natural :)

i know you've been working in fenix for quite a while, but try to get to know something about object oriented programming, very useful :). your way isn't that bad, it's just very time consuming and inefficient. and hard to read :)

about the fenix programming, i've been programing in other languages pretty long, so i learnt fenix pretty fast, and i am used to a lot of object oriented things from java ^^, i just have a bit more experience in such things :)

and i didn't mean to steal your thread/outclass you, it's just a simple kind of game, a good thing to test my txt read code with and a fun thing to program in a few hours :D
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Yeah, don`t be angry, Goity, if you don`t want people to do such things, don`t include source code. Simple as that.
okay, no more just reprogramming goity's game, he showed me the original, and i made an example based on it :) (ripped the backgrounds, remade the ball, wall and finish sprites :) )
better graphics, compacter music, good ball behaviour i hope :)
atm just one basic level :)
and i used quiest's code to write vertically :)
check it out
Guys, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it's right to hijack a programmer's work and take it away from him! He put considerable effort into it, and you just march in and re-make it. How do you think he can call it his project now? :(
Well said Alex. I believe Goity is 12/13 years old and deserves a bit of encouragment. Never mind 'outclass'ing a 12 year old, more like without class. :lol:
Don't be discouraged Goity - keep on programming.
Alex. posted on Oct 4 2005 at 01:32 AM said:
Guys, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it's right to hijack a programmer's work and take it away from him! He put considerable effort into it, and you just march in and re-make it. How do you think he can call it his project now? :(
i know, i was just working with fenix, and was the right project at the right time...
i've already apoligised to goity, and got him on my msn list, i hope to in the future to rather work together with him ^^, it is kind of low, i know... and also a bit unfair, i'm way older and more experienced!

i also hope goity continues programming, and i'll help him in any way i can :).
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Racemaniac posted on Oct 3 2005 at 04:12 PM said:
Goity posted on Oct 3 2005 at 03:53 PM said:
Racemaniac posted on Oct 3 2005 at 03:42 PM said:
Dryer Lint posted on Oct 3 2005 at 02:45 PM said:
I like the basic idea, but it looks and plays horrible. Sorry! :-S

The control and behaviour of the ball is very awkward and not exactly intuitive.
Other minor annoyances are the Fenix splash screen and that music file being saved as a WAV. It's way too big, can't you use a MIDI/MOD/MP3?

Racemaniac's version is better, but it's still not very fun to play given the horrible controls. I think the ball needs to be smaller, so that there's more time to steer the ball. In level 3 I found it impossible to even get the ball away from the start, but maybe that's just me.

Anyway, don't be discouraged by all of this, the next versions will surely be much better!
here, a bit calmer controls, much more fun like this (i hope :P)
also coordinates for items are now on 320x240 base :)
and there's an extra variable for a ball, the scale, the standard ball is 50% :)
you can always make some levels or so :)

i don't think i'll do much more for this project, small changes like mod music or better graphics can easily be done by anyone ^^
You've killed it! And I like this music, that's why I chose it. My code makes sense to me, and the reason the controls are strange is because It's basically a port of a flash game that people requested. no offense, but your controls are foul. the game's meant to be like it is for skill. I did the ball gfx a long itme ago when I didn't know about angles, and I've been coding fenix longer than you have!
i haven't seen the original... so i wouldn't know, i just prefer smoother physics, is much more natural :)

i know you've been working in fenix for quite a while, but try to get to know something about object oriented programming, very useful :). your way isn't that bad, it's just very time consuming and inefficient. and hard to read :)

about the fenix programming, i've been programing in other languages pretty long, so i learnt fenix pretty fast, and i am used to a lot of object oriented things from java ^^, i just have a bit more experience in such things :)

and i didn't mean to steal your thread/outclass you, it's just a simple kind of game, a good thing to test my txt read code with and a fun thing to program in a few hours :D
Lol congrats you out coded a 13 year old :P just out code me instead1 i never bothered learning fenix properly and am 15. and if you try to out code me it will be more fair and i will hunt you down and make you life a living hell till you die (pretty soon after you outcode me!).

Quiest posted on Oct 3 2005 at 06:04 PM said:
Yeah, don`t be angry, Goity, if you don`t want people to do such things, don`t include source code. Simple as that.
He always bloody leaves it in :P
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im bored and im back (yes sensible is back) so im moving this to news for the hell of it

feel my moderator powers

shazam!......................... man shaq is the man.
Goity posted on Oct 2 2005 at 09:45 PM said:
I've completed my new Fenix game, Physique. It's Basically Tyrannophysique but with more stuff and without bugs and stuff.

Download it here:

Goity I'm impressed and if your as young as everyone says you are I'm even more impressed! When I was 13, I only really dreamt of programming at the level he's displayed....I thought it was far too complicated :-) but i kept at it and now I'm a multimedia applications programmer for a company based in birmingham :lol: So it goes to show really!

Keep practicing, keep learning and you'll achieve your goals.

P.S I had a look at your flash work that seems to have improved with every movie you've made!
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sam fisher posted on Oct 5 2005 at 06:22 PM said:
Racemaniac posted on Oct 3 2005 at 04:12 PM said:
Goity posted on Oct 3 2005 at 03:53 PM said:
Racemaniac posted on Oct 3 2005 at 03:42 PM said:
Dryer Lint posted on Oct 3 2005 at 02:45 PM said:
I like the basic idea, but it looks and plays horrible. Sorry! :-S

The control and behaviour of the ball is very awkward and not exactly intuitive.
Other minor annoyances are the Fenix splash screen and that music file being saved as a WAV. It's way too big, can't you use a MIDI/MOD/MP3?

Racemaniac's version is better, but it's still not very fun to play given the horrible controls. I think the ball needs to be smaller, so that there's more time to steer the ball. In level 3 I found it impossible to even get the ball away from the start, but maybe that's just me.

Anyway, don't be discouraged by all of this, the next versions will surely be much better!
here, a bit calmer controls, much more fun like this (i hope :P)
also coordinates for items are now on 320x240 base :)
and there's an extra variable for a ball, the scale, the standard ball is 50% :)
you can always make some levels or so :)

i don't think i'll do much more for this project, small changes like mod music or better graphics can easily be done by anyone ^^
You've killed it! And I like this music, that's why I chose it. My code makes sense to me, and the reason the controls are strange is because It's basically a port of a flash game that people requested. no offense, but your controls are foul. the game's meant to be like it is for skill. I did the ball gfx a long itme ago when I didn't know about angles, and I've been coding fenix longer than you have!
i haven't seen the original... so i wouldn't know, i just prefer smoother physics, is much more natural :)

i know you've been working in fenix for quite a while, but try to get to know something about object oriented programming, very useful :). your way isn't that bad, it's just very time consuming and inefficient. and hard to read :)

about the fenix programming, i've been programing in other languages pretty long, so i learnt fenix pretty fast, and i am used to a lot of object oriented things from java ^^, i just have a bit more experience in such things :)

and i didn't mean to steal your thread/outclass you, it's just a simple kind of game, a good thing to test my txt read code with and a fun thing to program in a few hours :D
Lol congrats you out coded a 13 year old :P just out code me instead1 i never bothered learning fenix properly and am 15. and if you try to out code me it will be more fair and i will hunt you down and make you life a living hell till you die (pretty soon after you outcode me!).

Quiest posted on Oct 3 2005 at 06:04 PM said:
Yeah, don`t be angry, Goity, if you don`t want people to do such things, don`t include source code. Simple as that.
He always bloody leaves it in :P
well, i didn't really use the sourcecode ^^
and yes, it was low of me, i know, it was just such a great game to code i couldn't resist :)
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