Pcsx4All Caanoo Beta Testing Results

ruffnutts said:
@ fettouhi there`s a game fix for Parasite Eve at the bottom of the settings menu under game fixes ;)

Oh, forgot that. Gotta try it again with the game fix. :D
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Ok, I've been testing a few games, but I cannot post my results yet because I cannot figure out how to see the fps. I would like to post my results on the frames, but I can't find where they are being displayed..
in a game press L+R and I buttons simultaneously. the fps will be displayed on the top left hand corner of the screen.
Firmware: 1.5.0
Build: 18.12.2010

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Clock: 750Mhz (would freeze at 770, 760 may work, but I think 750 is the most stable)
Ram Tweaks: ON
Frame-Limit: OFF
frame-skip: 0 (video) (When put changed to 1 or 2 it didn't seem to help at all, hurt more then it helped)
Interlace: OFF (Not sure what this setting does exactly)
Sound: on (XA+CD-Audio) (When set to anything other then this it would not play background music or intro sounds)
CPU clock: 100%
CPU Bias: 3 (Auto works, and 3 and 4 work, but 3 seemed to be the fastest)
CPU Core: HLE-Secure (The other settings either produced horrible scratchy sounds or very extremely slow)
CPU Type: Auto (This is the only setting I didn't mess with)

Frames per second: About 35-40 / 60 in game.
- Noticeably slow when spoken dialogue happens
- Some parts like boss battles can be very slow
- Since this game is meant to be played pretty fast it is playable at this speed, but not much fun at all

I tweaked around with the settings a lot hoping to get it to work smoother. These are the settings that seemed to work best, but still isn't enough to be quite playable yet. With it having no severe graphical glitches, and the main source being performance. I could see it being very possible that in a future build it will be playable and fun.
fettouhi said:
ruffnutts said:
@ fettouhi there`s a game fix for Parasite Eve at the bottom of the settings menu under game fixes ;)

Oh, forgot that. Gotta try it again with the game fix. :D

Seems like the game fix is for Parasite Eve 2. Tested Parasite Eve 2, Resident Evil 3 and Silent Hill. All games run but slow with similar settings as previous mentioned from me. Parasite Eve 2 has some graphical errors.
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Final Fantasy VII Disc 1 PAL

800 Mhz
Frameskip 0
HLE Secure

playable with glitches - needs HLE Secure, Framerate 30-50, graphical glitches (no visual effect at start of a fight), randomly crashes after first savepoint. Saving works fine
CKeichel said:
Final Fantasy VII Disc 1 PAL

800 Mhz
Frameskip 0
HLE Secure

playable with glitches - needs HLE Secure, Framerate 30-50, graphical glitches (no visual effect at start of a fight), randomly crashes after first savepoint. Saving works fine

Strange check top of page 16 dude..
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ruffnutts said:
CKeichel said:
Final Fantasy VII Disc 1 PAL

800 Mhz
Frameskip 0
HLE Secure

playable with glitches - needs HLE Secure, Framerate 30-50, graphical glitches (no visual effect at start of a fight), randomly crashes after first savepoint. Saving works fine

Strange check top of page 16 dude..

Yes I've seen it, don't know how far he played. The hang ups come completly random. Otherwise I have the same results he has.
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Spider-Man PAL
800 MHz

doesn't work, needs HLE Secure to boot up, videos aren't played, only static graphic garbage, goes into menus, hangs, when first level is loaded
ruffnutts said:
cool he`s FPS looks different though

Yeah, I have the PAL version, max frame rate here 50 FPS. Outside fights, you hit 50 pretty often, but in fights, the FPS drop down to much lower values.
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Sentinel Returns PAL

800 MHz
FS 0
Ram Tweaks ON
Other Settings Default

playable - 40-50 FPS, crashed one time I played, ran flawless another time[/b]

V2000 PAL

800 MHz
FS 0
Ram Tweaks ON

unplayable slow - with FS2 about 8 FPS, graphics disappear every 3 or 4 frames, gets better with CPU BIAS 2, but still happens frequently
ruffnutts said:
starting to notice games not having any Music in the intros.. well strange

Check your images, ISOs with seperated audio tracks don't play any music, I converted some of these images to ccd images and then they worked fine.
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Is there any word on when the beta will be released to public? :D

I've looked around for a download of it and can't seem to find it.

I don't mind if it's still buggy, I'd be happy to receive anything at all :D
Well if you want to be a beta tester, PM Khan and ask him for the latest beta version. Though we have no idea when the new public release will be, I don't think it will be to much longer...atleast I hope not :P