PC-FX emulator

You can try it in Mednafen, assuming the Pandora port enables it. Wouldn't get my hopes up for fullspeed.
There's not much games for that system though, even in Japan. And seriously there was nothing really "good" for it, as far as I can remember in the shelves of the retro shops. 
You can try it in Mednafen, assuming the Pandora port enables it. Wouldn't get my hopes up for fullspeed.

The <a href="http://repo.openpandora.org/?page=detail&app=package.mednafen-pandora.r3">Pandora port</a> doesn't create a menu item for pc-fx emulation, but the module may still be present in the PND, I don't know.

It does seem as if the lauchers don't use the -force-module argument, so each launcher can in fact be used to launch any type of supported image. It's worth trying a PC-FX rom image if you've got one and want to play it - it doesn't seem to matter much which front end you pick at present (it just maintains a different default folder for each launcher, I think).