PandoraLive and Pyra -> Change of Name ?

You could also check the myths...finding a name that could cover both pandora and pyra, maybe zeus related or something related to the era, like the heroic age.

Maybe that way you could have a proper self name that would encompass both machines, in case you don´t wanna cover the other handhelds.

"When Zeus decided to end the Bronze Age with the great deluge, Deucalion and his wife, Pyrrha, were the only survivors"
"Deucalion" is an awesome name and related.

Maybe for Dragonbox #3.
The descendants of Deucalion and Pyrrha are below:

So DBT:DragonBox Tia, DBM:DragonBox Magnus, DBP2:DragonBox Pandora II.... DBD:DragonBox Deucalion (or just double D, hint, nudge)

Maybe start a topic "I can not believe they started designing the next..." :P

...Evil Dragon, with the aid of his partners Schaller and Ignotas, was saved from this deluge by building a chest dragonbox.

Their chest DragonBox touched solid ground on Mount Stores in France, Germany, Japan and United States of America....

- Book of Dragons, chapter 2. -
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I know it would be nice if the title relates to the product in a straight forward way, like pandoralive.

But I don´t think necessary to have a direct relationship, better is that relationship is of a second degree, like something the current users might get it and new users may have to do a little look around to find the reason should they wish.

Sites like RPS (rock paper and shotgun) are the kind of thing I read but I don´t really care about what that name has to do.

In our case, it could even be a little puzzle should someone new gets interested.

The accompanying frase I agree should be quite straight forward, just like what you have now + Pyra.

edit: Deucalion is nice, like Deucalion´s nest, but maybe something that also relates to pandora, maybe what came before them or what they were living about. I hope these ideas help. Giving a second thought about your post, I do feel like the name should change. 
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Fanhelds is a good name, I like that. Future-proofing for the successor of Pyra too, further down the line.

It works, plus it has a nice sound to it too I think. Short and sweet. I'd go nab that domain 

I will say one thing against the current name 'Pandoralive' - and that's that in my head I keep reading it as 'Pandor - Alive', and what's a 'pandor' when it's about?
Pandora Pyrates

Pyrates of the Pandorian


Somewhat related to the blog name: it would be nice to have an umbrella word for Pandora+Pyra. Since they will probably be mostly compatible, there will be quite some software developed and released for both, and it gets cumbersome to say "this is an application for Pandora and Pyra".

Suggestions for such an umbrella word: Pandyra, Pyradora, Pyrora, P*ra.

For example, I intend to update Pandora System Info to work on both devices, so I'll need to rename it.

When the dust has settled and we have a consensus on such an umbrella word, the blog can be renamed to e.g. Pandyralive or P*ralive or whatever.
Somewhat related to the blog name: it would be nice to have an umbrella word for Pandora+Pyra. Since they will probably be mostly compatible, there will be quite some software developed and released for both, and it gets cumbersome to say "this is an application for Pandora and Pyra".

-God Ginrai