Remember this:
And this:
and this:
What if they were combined?
I'd make the P2, 2cm wider, and aim to have a 3.5cm wide PCB in the stick
The main guts (processor and whatnot) would be on a tiny board as slaeshjag describes.
This would have a protruding HDMI (MHL-compatible) type A and a flush miniUSB3otg port on one end
These would fit perfectly into corresponding connectors in the body of the P2 (keyboard, screen, nubs, SD slots etc)
The P2 body would play video from the HDMI connector, and do other things over USB3
Then you take the stick out, and plug it into your TV/computer monitor
The body goes into iCP mode and operates as a BT controller
Newer/better sticks could be produced every few years, to replace your old one
Endless technicalities could be entered into, but you get the picture
mini laptop with upgradable brain == BT controller with HDMI computer-on-a-stick

And this:
and this:
What if they were combined?
I'd make the P2, 2cm wider, and aim to have a 3.5cm wide PCB in the stick
The main guts (processor and whatnot) would be on a tiny board as slaeshjag describes.
This would have a protruding HDMI (MHL-compatible) type A and a flush miniUSB3otg port on one end
These would fit perfectly into corresponding connectors in the body of the P2 (keyboard, screen, nubs, SD slots etc)
The P2 body would play video from the HDMI connector, and do other things over USB3
Then you take the stick out, and plug it into your TV/computer monitor
The body goes into iCP mode and operates as a BT controller
Newer/better sticks could be produced every few years, to replace your old one
Endless technicalities could be entered into, but you get the picture
mini laptop with upgradable brain == BT controller with HDMI computer-on-a-stick
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