Pandora Vs Dell Mini 10

SONY said:
starfight said:
Well it's cheaper and its not as big as a full sized laptop, touchscreen can be added for about 20$, The keyboard layout I can change myself so it will have gaming controls if I buy it...

Was that response really warranted? Starfight is simply stating his oppinion and/or thought process, and looking for some guidance as regards these different products. And he's not being overly deraugatory in the process. I don't think that constitutes trolling at all. :huh:
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starfight said:
3 or 6 cell battery which lasts at least 9 hours The way they rate those batteries, definitely not. The z450 reviews I saw said max 7 hours. (so maybe 50% as long as the Pandora's max)

But lets be honest - Asus does huge battery lifes. Dell doesn't.

starfight said:
Well it's cheaper and its not as big as a full sized laptop, touchscreen can be added for about 20$, The keyboard layout I can change myself so it will have gaming controls if I buy it...
Yeah, but why would you get that when you can get a refurb Atom/160GB/1GB netbook for $150? Old Acer Aspires are incredibly cheap right now. I saw one of those old EEE Surfs for $99 the other day.
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I would have to say that the battery life to that is probably with it at its lowest setting and Wi-Fi turned off for it to be able to get 9hrs. Plus I'm sure that the Pandora is made better because Dells are not always what they're cracked up to be(Just ask my school district). :D

But I guess in the long run it depends on what you are looking for as for me if I'm looking at a computer (Netbook/Laptop) I would just get a decent laptop, but if I want something that's really portable (meaning pocketable) and plays games good or even just to surf the web I would get a Pandora. I already have a laptop though but I would like something more portable that will play games and stuff which is why I ended up pre-ordering me a Pandora.(Can't wait) :D
skyeyemachine said:
SONY said:
starfight said:
Well it's cheaper and its not as big as a full sized laptop, touchscreen can be added for about 20$, The keyboard layout I can change myself so it will have gaming controls if I buy it...
Was that response really warranted? Starfight is simply stating his oppinion and/or thought process, and looking for some guidance as regards these different products. And he's not being overly deraugatory in the process. I don't think that constitutes trolling at all. :huh:
I think he was attempting to be ironic...
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Consequence9 said:
skyeyemachine said:
SONY said:
Was that response really warranted? Starfight is simply stating his oppinion and/or thought process, and looking for some guidance as regards these different products. And he's not being overly deraugatory in the process. I don't think that constitutes trolling at all. :huh:
I think he was attempting to be ironic...
Whatever he was attempting, he failed. Unless he was attempting to get a temporary ban, in which case, job well done.
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Well sorry for the late reply, but I am going to buy them both :P I can get the dell with GPS and 2x 6-cell batteries for 265 euro (employees discount rules!) And last time I checked I'm not a troll. I am aware of the hardware differences since I am an IT-Technician... The only reason why I compare these two is because the pandora uses dedicated hardware. This is why I think it will respond faster. (think of it this way: a pandora has to run programs designed for the pandora with its own libraries, a netbook has the possibility to run windows, linux, mac, equally well so there is no hardware designed for a specific netbook and it need to be able to run severa operating systems equally well). I'm not going to use the 3g since 3g coverage sucks in Belgium.
starfight said:
Well sorry for the late reply, but I am going to buy them both :P I can get the dell with GPS and 2x 6-cell batteries for 265 euro (employees discount rules!) And last time I checked I'm not a troll. I am aware of the hardware differences since I am an IT-Technician... The only reason why I compare these two is because the pandora uses dedicated hardware. This is why I think it will respond faster. (think of it this way: a pandora has to run programs designed for the pandora with its own libraries, a netbook has the possibility to run windows, linux, mac, equally well so there is no hardware designed for a specific netbook and it need to be able to run severa operating systems equally well). I'm not going to use the 3g since 3g coverage sucks in Belgium.
I guess I'd say that if you can muster up the moolah and are still feeling torn between the two, go ahead. :) Speaking for myself, a netbook doesn't really hold much value over a laptop, as most of the time, I'm within 2-3 hours distance of an outlet, so I can charge up when it gets low; plus a netbook isn't really capable of running a lot of the things I'd like, so I might as well cart along the laptop instead. The biggest problem for me becomes portability; I simply cannot stuff a netbook in my pocket or satchel, and a PDA simply isn't flexible or powerful enough to suit my usage habits and needs. I liked the idea of PocketPCs, and at one point saw them as an acceptable middle ground, but they're gridlocked with Windows, and moreover, they're a dying breed these days in the face of smartphones: and I dislike smartphones because the great majority of their functions are tied to service plans I don't really want or need. These days none of my mission-critical programs are really tied to Windows, and I've never really been interested in Macs (although they do have some merits), so I'd rather go with a Linux distro like Pandora will utilize.

In short, the Pandora's biggest draw for me is its portability in proportion to its capabilities, which far exceed that of most smartphones and PDAs without exceeding the confines of a standard pants pocket. The battery life is a blessing, to boot. Anyway, just thought I'd chip in my two cents. :)
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skyeyemachine said:
starfight said:
Well sorry for the late reply, but I am going to buy them both :P I can get the dell with GPS and 2x 6-cell batteries for 265 euro (employees discount rules!) And last time I checked I'm not a troll. I am aware of the hardware differences since I am an IT-Technician... The only reason why I compare these two is because the pandora uses dedicated hardware. This is why I think it will respond faster. (think of it this way: a pandora has to run programs designed for the pandora with its own libraries, a netbook has the possibility to run windows, linux, mac, equally well so there is no hardware designed for a specific netbook and it need to be able to run severa operating systems equally well). I'm not going to use the 3g since 3g coverage sucks in Belgium.
I guess I'd say that if you can muster up the moolah and are still feeling torn between the two, go ahead. :) Speaking for myself, a netbook doesn't really hold much value over a laptop, as most of the time, I'm within 2-3 hours distance of an outlet, so I can charge up when it gets low; plus a netbook isn't really capable of running a lot of the things I'd like, so I might as well cart along the laptop instead. The biggest problem for me becomes portability; I simply cannot stuff a netbook in my pocket or satchel, and a PDA simply isn't flexible or powerful enough to suit my usage habits and needs. I liked the idea of PocketPCs, and at one point saw them as an acceptable middle ground, but they're gridlocked with Windows, and moreover, they're a dying breed these days in the face of smartphones: and I dislike smartphones because the great majority of their functions are tied to service plans I don't really want or need. These days none of my mission-critical programs are really tied to Windows, and I've never really been interested in Macs (although they do have some merits), so I'd rather go with a Linux distro like Pandora will utilize.

In short, the Pandora's biggest draw for me is its portability in proportion to its capabilities, which far exceed that of most smartphones and PDAs without exceeding the confines of a standard pants pocket. The battery life is a blessing, to boot. Anyway, just thought I'd chip in my two cents. :)
Thank you for a normal non-flaming reply :-D I have a PDA too with windows mobile 7 (which still sucks) but I can use it to take notes when I'm with costumers at their home, that why I got it. Soon I'll hopefully have my pandora to do this.
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starfight said:
skyeyemachine said:
starfight said:
Well sorry for the late reply, but I am going to buy them both :P I can get the dell with GPS and 2x 6-cell batteries for 265 euro (employees discount rules!) And last time I checked I'm not a troll. I am aware of the hardware differences since I am an IT-Technician... The only reason why I compare these two is because the pandora uses dedicated hardware. This is why I think it will respond faster. (think of it this way: a pandora has to run programs designed for the pandora with its own libraries, a netbook has the possibility to run windows, linux, mac, equally well so there is no hardware designed for a specific netbook and it need to be able to run severa operating systems equally well). I'm not going to use the 3g since 3g coverage sucks in Belgium.
I guess I'd say that if you can muster up the moolah and are still feeling torn between the two, go ahead. :) Speaking for myself, a netbook doesn't really hold much value over a laptop, as most of the time, I'm within 2-3 hours distance of an outlet, so I can charge up when it gets low; plus a netbook isn't really capable of running a lot of the things I'd like, so I might as well cart along the laptop instead. The biggest problem for me becomes portability; I simply cannot stuff a netbook in my pocket or satchel, and a PDA simply isn't flexible or powerful enough to suit my usage habits and needs. I liked the idea of PocketPCs, and at one point saw them as an acceptable middle ground, but they're gridlocked with Windows, and moreover, they're a dying breed these days in the face of smartphones: and I dislike smartphones because the great majority of their functions are tied to service plans I don't really want or need. These days none of my mission-critical programs are really tied to Windows, and I've never really been interested in Macs (although they do have some merits), so I'd rather go with a Linux distro like Pandora will utilize.

In short, the Pandora's biggest draw for me is its portability in proportion to its capabilities, which far exceed that of most smartphones and PDAs without exceeding the confines of a standard pants pocket. The battery life is a blessing, to boot. Anyway, just thought I'd chip in my two cents. :)
Thank you for a normal non-flaming reply :-D I have a PDA too with windows mobile 7 (which still sucks) but I can use it to take notes when I'm with costumers at their home, that why I got it. Soon I'll hopefully have my pandora to do this.

You're welcome. I am always eager for civil conversation. ;)

If you want a better idea of some of the non-gaming things people will be using the Pandora for, take a look at this thread:

There are some others, including a poll someone started to see what peoples' general usage habits are expected to be, but that's the most general discussion. There's talk of Pandora as an advanced math aid and a music machine; it's hardware is powerful and flexible enough that it can handle most common and even some uncommon functions gracefully, as the recent N64 emulation demonstrations show. I know I will be using it very heavily as a personal organizer and note-taking tool most of the time. And if the form-factor is too small for you, you can at least hook the Pandora up to a TV via the video-out and plug in a standard USB keyboard and mouse via a USB hub. If you feel like the netbook interface (keyboard/screen size, etc) better suits you for most purposes, or that it for some reason provides significantly more functionality than the Pandora will, get it, but I suspect the best thing it has going for it is that its X86 chipset won't cut you off from the vast majority of precompiled software built for that platform like the Pandora's ARM chipset will (there's concern over getting Flash applets working on the Pandora, for example). But there's already been over a year of development going into numerous applications for the Pandora, many of which are getting some nice polish even now, so chances are high that you'll find a worthy replacement for any given X86 app in most cases. If you haven't bought them both already, I hope I'm helping clarify the issues. :)
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starfight said:
I have a PDA too with windows mobile 7
Hello John Titor, can you tell me when the Pandora was(will be) released? Thank you! Also, how is the Delorean working out for you? B)
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Are we still doing this thread?

I thought it had been decided.

One has a wide brim and one is tall and ugly ;)

Seriously though, they are so different that only you will be able to decide which suits you best. If as you say, you can afford both, then go for it and enjoy :)