ED's RMA turnaround time...


Oct 8, 2008
Can anyone else share their experience in getting a pandora with LCD issues back from ED? I originally bought from Craigix - but was told to send my pandora to ED for the LCD repair. I'm located in the US and sent my pandora in well over 3 weeks ago now. Thus far I've not heard a single peep about it's status and several emails I've sent have gone unanswered.

Not posting this to try to rip on ED or anything - I think he's great - more posting because I want to know what I should be expecting here. Does ED typically respond quickly (and hence it's possible my emails are getting spam-filtered out?)? How long has it taken others of you out there to get a repaired Pandora after experiencing LCD issues? Do they typically send out an email when they actually receive the unit?

Thanks to anyone to can help me out :-). Missing my pandora!
Dude ED is one guy with a full time job on top of what he's doing for the openpandora group.. give him slack.. I think he sleeps only 2 hours a day.

Also it took over a month for my Xbox 360 to get RMA's for the RROD issue and that's a huge company.
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Dude ED is one guy with a full time job on top of what he's doing for the openpandora group.. give him slack.. I think he sleeps only 2 hours a day.

Also it took over a month for my Xbox 360 to get RMA's for the RROD issue and that's a huge company.

As I said - wasn't trying to hate on ED - was just wanting to know what to expect. Everything I've seen/read about EvilDragon point to him being an outstanding individual. Wanted to know if my experience was in line with others - or I should be worrying that my package was lost in transit or something else was amiss.
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Can anyone else share their experience in getting a pandora with LCD issues back from ED? I originally bought from Craigix - but was told to send my pandora to ED for the LCD repair. I'm located in the US and sent my pandora in well over 3 weeks ago now. Thus far I've not heard a single peep about it's status and several emails I've sent have gone unanswered.
Sending something from the US to Germany can take ages to arrive. So things also depend on how you send stuff. If you sent things using plain airmail expect that it needs about a month to arrive at EDs (yeah, that is about the time books often take for me when sent to me from the US)! Afterwards you should assume about a week for the repair itself since ED is freaking busy. Then you have to wait for getting the package back, which takes some time, too (no idea how ED shops those back).

And that you have not received a reply regarding your emails is no surprise since ED tends to have a freaking large mail backlog, often more than a week!
Can anyone else share their experience in getting a pandora with LCD issues back from ED? I originally bought from Craigix - but was told to send my pandora to ED for the LCD repair. I'm located in the US and sent my pandora in well over 3 weeks ago now. Thus far I've not heard a single peep about it's status and several emails I've sent have gone unanswered.
Sending something from the US to Germany can take ages to arrive. So things also depend on how you send stuff. If you sent things using plain airmail expect that it needs about a month to arrive at EDs (yeah, that is about the time books often take for me when sent to me from the US)! Afterwards you should assume about a week for the repair itself since ED is freaking busy. Then you have to wait for getting the package back, which takes some time, too (no idea how ED shops those back).

And that you have not received a reply regarding your emails is no surprise since ED tends to have a freaking large mail backlog, often more than a week!

Thanks for the heads up. The info is much appreciated. It seemed when I was shipped my package from Craigix's shop it only took a week or so (i think it was approximately the same when I RMA'd my previous 2 units to his shop).

Don't have a tracking number I don't think. Sent it through the USPS and not sure which type of mail was used (my wife was kind enough to take it in for me.. know the shipping was $30 or so though). And thanks for the heads up on ED's email backlog time -- wasn't sure. I see he's fairly active on the forums - so know he's been around/available
I'm about three weeks in as well but I do believe the worst part is the customs. Here in Brazil it usually takes about three months for anything to get past customs, so maybe Germany might have the same problems. I'm missing my Pandora also and hopefully everything will be sorted out. I've sent ED a couple of PMs so he and from the looks of it, he hasn't received my pandora yet.
Here in Brazil it usually takes about three months for anything to get past customs

ED said my RMA took a while at customs. Where you from, dude? My first pandora only took 10 days in brazilian customs (and probably icontrolpad as well, it's sleeping there since Aug 11th)

My ICP was sent to me 35 days ago and it hasn´t arrived yet. I´m pretty sure it is sitting at Brazilian customers (with all due respect, they suck).

I remember when I use to order stuff from Europe and China, depending on the season of the year, customs could held your product for 60 days.

They even have confiscated some of my products in the past, and I was willing to pay all the taxes. Well, hopefully you will get your Panda fixed very soon.