Pandora Shell Colors.


Feb 18, 2007
I think it would be pretty cool, when the Pandora is successful enough, to sell replacement shells for it. It will most likely have problems like the DS where the henge cracks, not saying bad design its just a weak point, and maybe the shell could be sold in different colors?

Like see-through?

Or a aluminum shell, that would cost more but would be way cool.
If you look at the renders of the Pandora, the hinges are about twice as wide as those on the DS Lite, so hopefully it won't be a problem. Replacement cases would be nice though, even if they only came in black so we could try modding with worrying about destroying the system.
Hopefully the Pandora becomes so successful that we see dozens of new cases available from generic wholesale stores just like the DS.

Anyone for a fugly yellow case?

Am I a geek if, when I saw the title of this thread, I first thought it was going to be about font colors for the terminal on the Pandora? :p

Anyway, this idea, and the creation of accessories in general, probably depends on how successful the Pandora is from a commercial standpoint. I agree that aluminum would look cool, but I've always thought electronics with translucent cases looked stupid.
to Quote the great Henry Ford

"The Customer Can Have Any Color He Wants So Long As It's Black"
icurafu said:
Anyone for a fugly yellow case?
AGH! You owe me new eyes! :wacko: (Sad to say that that casing is not as bright as the Pikachu edition DS Lite that's been sold in some of the Pokemon Center outlets in Japan, as well as in the US one at the Nintendo World Store.)

Now, getting myself more on-topic, as has already been said, it may well not be commercially viable to offer the hardware in multiple casing colours. That said, does anyone know what came of the statement (I think it may have been made by craigix a while back) about making the casing design as open as possible and including some sort of file or plan with the hardware, so as to allow for individuals to make one-off casings to suit their own tastes (and to modify) should they so wish? Or was that idea shelved and I missed it?
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actually, that is the same casing thats sold in the Nintendo world store. :p
DX also sells about 15 other "special edition" cases. (one of which i bought yesterday, which i now regret, thanks guys)
Personally i would just like a case that would accept painting easily.
I know this system is meant to be open, but I think dismantlement of the hardware would result in a voided warranty. Just like any other piece of hardware.
Anyhow, I was thinking of an internal camera mod on either side of the lcd, above the speakers. Stereo vision input, add some lcd glasses. Next gen virtual reality 3d camera. Woah!
"Machine your own with the CAD files that'll be included.

titanium case ftw"

I was about to say something along those lines, when all of a sudden I read it as I scrolled down lol...
I prefer black. :p

By the way, waffles, I'm not sure that yellow one is the same case. It's not manufactured by Nintendo, for one thing, and it doesn't feature the Pikachu lid that the machine I mentioned did. :p