<title>Pandora App Store</title>
// Setup various directory locations.
define( "kRootDir", dirname( __FILE__ ) );
define( "kUploadDir", kRootDir . "/upload" );
define( "kUploadingDir", kRootDir . "/uploading" );
define( "kDownloadDir", kRootDir . "/download" );
define( "kIconDir", kRootDir . "/icon" );
function GrabFromAppStore( $url )
$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument( );
libxml_use_internal_errors( true );
$xmlDoc->loadHTMLFile( $url ) or die( "Failed to loadHTMLFile" );
$htmls = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName( "html" );
foreach ( $htmls as $html )
$bodys = $html->getElementsByTagName( "body" );
foreach ( $bodys as $body )
$divs = $body->getElementsByTagName( "div" );
foreach ( $divs as $div )
$class = $div->getAttribute( "class" );
if ( $class == "itemlist" )
$lis = $div->getElementsByTagName( "li" );
foreach ( $lis as $li )
$onClick = $li->getAttribute( "onclick" );
$toStrip = "location.href='..";
if ( strpos( $onClick, $toStrip ) === 0 )
$url = substr( $onClick, strlen( $toStrip ), strlen( $onClick ) - strlen( $toStrip ) - 2 );
echo '<p>' . 'http://apps.open-pandora.org' . $url . '</p>';
$appPage = new DOMDocument( );
$appPage->loadHTMLFile( 'http://apps.open-pandora.org' . $url );
$appDivs = $appPage->getElementsByTagName( "div" );
foreach ( $appDivs as $appDiv )
$appId = $appDiv->getAttribute( "id" );
if ( $appId === "appinfo" )
$appInfoDivs = $appDiv->getElementsByTagName( "div" );
foreach ( $appInfoDivs as $appInfoDiv )
$appClass = $appInfoDiv->getAttribute( "class" );
if ( $appClass === "install" )
$aTags = $appInfoDiv->getElementsByTagName( "a" );
foreach ( $aTags as $aTag )
$href = $aTag->getAttribute( "href" );
if ( $href && strlen( $href ) > 0 )
$href = 'http://apps.open-pandora.org/cgi-bin/' . $href;
$questionMarkPos = strpos( $href, '?' );
$andPos = strpos( $href, '&' );
if ( $questionMarkPos >= 0 && $andPos >= 0 )
$questionMarkPos += 1;
$filename = trim( substr( $href, $questionMarkPos, $andPos - $questionMarkPos ) );
echo '<p>filename : ' . htmlspecialchars( $filename ) . '</p>';
echo '<p>href : ' . htmlspecialchars( $href ) . '</p>';
$data = file_get_contents( $href );
echo '<p>Data : ' . htmlspecialchars( substr( $data, 0, 100 ) ) . '</p>';
$toFind = '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="';
$ix = strpos( $data, $toFind );
if ( $ix >= 0 )
$endQuote = strpos( $data, '"', $ix + strlen( $toFind ) );
$text = substr( $data, $ix + strlen( $toFind ), $endQuote - ( $ix + strlen( $toFind ) ) );
$parts = split( ';', $text );
foreach ( $parts as $part )
echo '<p>Part : ' . $part . '</p>';
if ( strpos( $part, 'URL=' ) === 0 )
$newUrl = substr( $part, strlen( 'URL=' ) );
while ( $newUrl[ strlen( $newUrl ) - 1 ] == '_' )
$newUrl = substr( $newUrl, 0, strlen( $newUrl ) - 1 );
echo '<p>New Url : ' . $newUrl . '</p>';
$src = 'http://apps.open-pandora.org/cgi-bin/' . $newUrl;
$dst = kUploadingDir . "/" . basename( $filename );
echo '<p>src : ' . $src . '</p>';
echo '<p>dst : ' . $dst . '</p>';
if( !
echo("failed to copy file");
// Done here.
GrabFromAppStore( 'http://apps.open-pandora.org/cgi-bin/viewarea.pl?Emulators' );
GrabFromAppStore( 'http://apps.open-pandora.org/cgi-bin/viewarea.pl?Games' );
GrabFromAppStore( 'http://apps.open-pandora.org/cgi-bin/viewarea.pl?Applications' );
GrabFromAppStore( 'http://apps.open-pandora.org/cgi-bin/viewarea.pl?Other' );