Pandora Press Website is 404 'ing

I added to /etc/hosts and instead of an OpenDNS error, I get a HostGator page.

For me it works.

What did you add to your /etc/hosts file exactly?

Or maybe it just temporary didn't work when you tried it?
Works fine here, after adding "" to /etc/hosts.

You'll need to restart your web browser if you already had it open, as it will cache the lookups. If you're running nscd or something like that, you may want to restart that service as well.
It's still erroring for me.

You need to put the address mapping in your hosts file (I put it twice for and to be sure) then put the name into your web browser - not the IP address.

If you're getting a timeout at then either your hosts file isn't right or your browser hasn't picked up the changes - try reloading.

If you get a hostgator 404 then you're ending up at the right IP address, but hostgator doesn't recognise the name. If you're not putting in your address bar, that's what'll happen.

Hope that helps. The pandorapress server is still running, it's just very hard to get to due to the DNS change.
I seem to be screwed as well... I'm getting nowhere even with the /etc/hosts workaround... though I haven't tried a system reboot yet, so we shall see how things pan out in the next day or two...
Not working here, either. Bummer. Entering IP directly gets me HostGator. The etc/hosts fix doesn't sound like a Mac thing, so that's out. And I always go to, but that gets me this:

"If you can see this, it means that the installation of the Apache web server software on this system was successful. You may now add content to this directory and replace this page.

Seeing this instead of the website you expected?

This page is here because the site administrator has changed the configuration of this web server. Please contact the person responsible for maintaining this server with questions. The Apache Software Foundation, which wrote the web server software this site administrator is using, has nothing to do with maintaining this site and cannot help resolve configuration issues.

The Apache documentation has been included with this distribution.

You are free to use the image below on an Apache-powered web server. Thanks for using Apache!"

Ah well. Guess there are still the boards.
Apparently in Mac OS X your /etc/hosts file is in /private/etc/hosts. You'll need to edit it via the terminal (at least that was the case on Leopard, according to my google-fu) and you'll need superuser priviledges to do it - so you'll need to do something like:

> sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

I can confirm that the pandorapress server is responding at time of posting.
To make it clear for everyone:

To get Pandorapress working again you do this:


Go to a terminal, type "sudo nano /etc/hosts" enter your password and add



Same as for Linux, but replace /etc/hosts with /private/etc/hosts




to file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts with the editor of your choice.

I personally know it only for Linux - but others wrote that for Mac & Windows, hope it's right. ;)
Posted by atomicthumbs on the other forum;

he paid to get it renewed

went on a 6 hour hike to the library (unrelated? or for the computers?)

it's now fixed, but the dns will take time to propagate around the world, so just wait

apparently after he payed the money they asked for (as the domain ran out?), he needs to telephone them to tell them to activate it again, as he was supposed to reply to an e-mail they supposedly sent but was never recieved

my interpretation make more sense? (no guarantee of accuracy)
I got up at 4 AM to take a hike into the hills around my town to take photos of the sunrise. Got to the library in the next town over at 11:30 AM. Library had air conditioning and water fountain. Godsend because 4 cans of Diet Coke/Coke Zero proved insufficient to cope with the Boy Scout owned trail that instead of going two miles like a sensible trail went for like eight miles of switchbacks and wiggles.

Probably would've seen this thread if I had a better antenna for my laptop; it can see the San Francisco Airport wifi from 25 miles away, but not connect; it could also see four WiMax networks from San Francisco but not connect.

Fixed issue from library with my laptop. It works on my computer now, but that might be DNS caching.


How does this thing have my avatar even though I've never uploaded it here?
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Pardon my off-topicness for a moment, please. :P


How does this thing have my avatar even though I've never uploaded it here?
You're not the first person I've seen say this. I seem to recall that Trip mentioned it at one point, as well. All I know is, it didn't have mine. :( (That said, I changed it shortly after the move anyway.)

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It's something to do with the integration of Twitter & other services. It might be using OpenID or something, so it recognises you by your email address. Same happened for me. :)