my update: still could not find a good way to include background animation so i took some stills and added switched backgrounds per round to add to the paranoia (panic ; ) . Also some layout updates but i'm still not happy with those.
Edit: And many many thanks indeed to PokeParadox!! not only for the engine but also for the support in learning cpp at all in my case
I'd advise any programmer new to cpp to try and build something for this engine. it's easy but gives a nice challenge as well.
Edit 2: final update for today, end game routines and some other updated stuff
If you want to send the file that you want as an animation I'll see what I can do to turn it into something usable.
Again thanks for your contribution, I'll include it soon!
I'm actually pretty overwhelmed at the positive comments coming back regarding Penjin, so thanks to you guys! It's comments like this which, make it worthwhile and actually keep me coding even when work decided to increase my shifts O_O.
socket said:
Kagato, those mockups kick ass. I can't wait to get home (I've been away for a few days) to get working on some little tunes. Not promising anything will be usable... :-D
Any music would be gladly accepted!
oclbdk said:
i haven't found a pause mechanism. i think it's kind of necessary in this multitaskful world to have one lol. or at least a PRESS A TO CONTINUE sort of deal might be useful? how else am i going to browse digg, chat with friends, and eat fried chicken with ketchup while pandora panicking??
on a similar note, people (myself, really) are impatient and don't like to sit through transition screens. i think it would be nice if it was possible to press a button to skip them. don't know about anybody else, but i'm constantly mashing the A button on my DS -- even when nothing's happening and it's not responding to input, just to last myself until the actual gameplay comes up
planning to work on a rhythm-based minigame this coming weekend, hope it turns out well
About the pause... I've been thinking about it and I'm not sure about it yet... there are a few reasons:
- The code for pausing the game and showing a pause menu would need to be put in every state.
- It does remove some of the "Panic!"
- I'm warming up to the idea of a "take a break" screen
- Maybe we can have some of these things configurable?
- It could be a button you hold and it will pause at the status screen?
I'll look into making the status screen skipable.
I loooove rhythm games
So I also hope that turns out well.
Vorporeal said:
If all of the minigames are fairly short, every 5 "levels" it could wait for the user to press A before continuing. That would allow users to pause in the middle, but keep up the "Panic!". 5 might be too few, 7-10 might be better, but that's what testing's for, right?
Agreed on that... a lot of this will have to be tweaked before launch. It's hard to balance things when not all the games are finished and such.
On a similar note I'm interested in some suggestions of what needs doing engine-wise.
- What are you annoyed with that you can't currently do?
- What could use some improvement?
- What is missing from PandoraPanic! ?
Any suggestions would be great, both for Penjin and PandoraPanic specificially. I must also say thanks again guys, because through using the framework, you've helped me find bugs and such, which have now been fixed. Keep the minigames coming