Pandora Pandora Netbeans


Oct 2, 2009
Hey all...

My question is pretty simply... The answer is obvious but I don't want to believe it yet...

You guys think it is possible to run an IDE (NetBeans is preferable) on the Pandora?
NetBeans for me is the best tool available to Java Developments...
In my university, Java is the most used language... And I need Java to do some Android development too... so it is pretty important to me...

Anyone knows if the 256mb of the pandora can handle such program?

EDIT: I also was wandering if it could run the OpenOffice... ><
Netbeans just takes too much RAM I think, especially if you want to compile something with it. I will also develop Java applications for the Pandora, but I will run Netbeans on my main computer, create projects using Maven, and then just use Maven alone on the Pandora to compile applications.

Or I might just develop 100% on my main computer and then just copy over the generated JARs to the Pandora to run them there.

Anyways, bottom line: Netbeans takes too much RAM. Won't work. JetBrains IntelliJ Idea might work better, but it's not free nor open source so dunno if it will run (it should since Java apps are cross-platform, but who knows).

Otherwise, just work without an IDE, and use emacs or vim or something. Who needs code completion anyways, eh? :P

EDIT: Wait, I tried various benchmarks with Netbeans and it actually only uses around 50 MiB or memory when it's not compiling. When it IS compiling, well, then it caches everything and its grandmother, so it takes up huge amounts, but that might actually not be a problem because the max memory usage is around 200 MB.

Guess there is still hope!
My main "professional" tools that i would like to use in Pandora are the OpenOffice, CodeBlocks and NetBeans.
That's why I am so interested in having these working... I would be great to develop the software wherever I am...
WOW!! Prolog ROX!!

(VHDL sux ><)

I use codeblocks for c/c++, and netbeans for java...
For Python I still haven't found one nice IDE, so I keep using just kate =P
I am also looking for Pandora-friendly IDE options for dev-on-the-go. I thought QT creator looked like a good candidate, as the interface has a layout that gives good screen space to the actual code area, with log windows etc popping open only when you want them or when they have something to tell you. But as a relative C++ noob, I have immense trouble setting the damn thing up with MinGW and SDL.

CodeBlocks is decent.
NetBeans on a 4.3" screen? Isn't that against the laws of physics or something? I would really suggest just getting a good editor (like Kate)...
dbrodie said:
NetBeans on a 4.3" screen? Isn't that against the laws of physics or something? I would really suggest just getting a good editor (like Kate)...
+1 for Kate. Or Vim or Emacs etc if you're into that kinda thing.

Netbeans IS pretty usable on a small screen though, especially if you decrease the DPI and create your own layout/LaF etc.

QtCreator gets my vote when it comes to usability in a full-featured IDE, though. Minor minus is that it's only for C/C++.
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Well, as others, I do believe that with a small screen (and somewhat limited hardware) you better go to the default editor of the windows manager you are running (most likely matchbox?) or learn to use vim or emacs. Anyway I use vim as my main IDE (is much more than a text editor :D) and I don't program in JAVA so I can be biased in this one.
If everything fails, we can still go back to Kate+Console, which already is good enough.

Note: The thing is that I love how NetBeans can show me info from all my functions when I work with really BIG projects with a few thousand lines and don't want do go and look for the name of functions I need and everything... But Kate can do the basic stuff, such as highlightings and those other little helping tricks, so it still being usable...

Note 2 : Yes, I AM a lazy developer -.-
Actually, the devs say they've gradually moved from Matchbox to E17 to xfce, I don't know why.
XFCE uses a Notepad-like editor called "Mousepad", but I would recommend just using Geany. It's got tabs, a terminal, and all this good stuff, and you're going to have GTK and a terminal and several files in RAM anyway, so you'd just as well integrate them into a tabbed IDE-like editor and save yourself the effort of opening several windows.
Oh, I see... Guess is time to try new things

I will experiment whatever is suggested once I get my hand the Pandora. Surely something will fit my style. =]
if you are looking for a ide i be porting MonoDevelop to the pandora sometime next year when i will get a pandora
it has some support for java by a Add-ins
I doubt NetBeans will work well, if at all, with so little RAM.

Stick to things like vim, emacs, kate, geany, jedit, komodo edit, etc.
Near-kun said:
Note: The thing is that I love how NetBeans can show me info from all my functions when I work with really BIG projects with a few thousand lines and don't want do go and look for the name of functions I need and everything... But Kate can do the basic stuff, such as highlightings and those other little helping tricks, so it still being usable...

VIM can do exactly that. At least for C/C++. I bet there is aplugin for JAVA as well.

Near-kun said:
Note 2 : Yes, I AM a lazy developer -.-

I think you mixed up LAZY and EFFICIENT. Using such features has nothung to do with lazy. :)
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