GP2X New F200 Firmware Allow For Java Dev?


Still Fresh
Jan 28, 2008
I've always wanted to make a thing or two for my gp2x in java. I know java might be too slow on the device, but java is the only language I know well. C++ is very complicated when you tally in all of the linker setup stuff and errors that can be hard to track down. So is it possible with the newest firmware to run any kind of java homebrew on the F200?
Schmidget said:
I know java might be too slow on the device, but java is the only language I know well. (...) is it possible with the newest firmware to run any kind of java homebrew on the F200?
I think that is easier, quicker, funnier and useful (from the point of view of results) to learn Fenix of Python than to code in Java for the Gp2x. Anyway, there are two JREs for the Gp2x:

- Based on Classpath and making use of JavaSDL, you code on a standard J2SE environment. Not sure about the actual language version (1.2?) (,0,0,0,14,1841 and,0,0,0,14,1898)

- Based on J2ME. Mobile Java games that do not use the Nokia libraries may run on this environment. You'll use the standard WTK to code. No sound support (,0,0,0,8,2554)

But if you accept a piece of advice, learn Fenix or Python. They are really easy to learn and much more satisfying than Java on the Gp2x.
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I was under the impression that the JRE for the gp2x didn't work on the F200 due to some kind of sound issue causing any app using it to crash.
Schmidget said:
I was under the impression that the JRE for the gp2x didn't work on the F200 due to some kind of sound issue causing any app using it to crash.
Yes, this is correct. But the bug is corrected with the newest firmware 4.1.1. But unfortunately there are a few other problems with this new firmware so not everybody will update...

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sbock said:
Schmidget said:
I was under the impression that the JRE for the gp2x didn't work on the F200 due to some kind of sound issue causing any app using it to crash.
Yes, this is correct. But the bug is corrected with the newest firmware 4.1.1. But unfortunately there are a few other problems with this new firmware so not everybody will update...

And with any luck the Open2X firmware will be up and running on the F200 soon, with all these stupid bugs of GPH's fixed ;)
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