Pandora Logo?

Clad said:
Don't you think being logo-less, at least on the case, would be better ? or at least a removable sticker for those of us who prefer plain virgin looks.
I think a plain white/black top, with just a small raised symbol on is very effective, like the DS Lite.
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They can ship it with a sticker, but if my Pandora came with a sticker I'd carefully peel/wash it off for sure. Stickered deviced in my pocket are bound to start peeling and collect dirt, grime and leave a sticky residue. Yucks!

Come to think of it, I don't see why the Pandora should have a Pandora logo on it. Shouldn't it have the manufacturer's name/logo on it? I presume Craigix and co. will start up a company and imprint their company logo onto their devices.
Goity said:

Yes, Pandora was woman, not a box. Longer hairy and bit more of ehm... chest (OK, bigger tits, but I do not know english well and do not want to be pervers or sort of).

My opinion is that engrave of hairy woman head (even whole silhouette) in antic style. May be silhouette of woman that holding (carrying) a box :-)
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peca said:
Goity said:

Yes, Pandora was woman, not a box. Longer hairy and bit more of ehm... chest (OK, bigger tits, but I do not know english well and do not want to be pervers or sort of).

My opinion is that engrave of hairy woman head (even whole silhouette) in antic style. May be silhouette of woman that holding (carrying) a box :-)

this woman was hairy before I used corel tracer on it.

Besides, you know you want her humps. her humps. her lovely lady lumps.
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rokdcasbah said:

this is a quick one, i was toying with a few more at my house that are better than this i think. this is for the q-bert lovers though.

edit: oh yeah P&|A ftw. i was trying to do a logotype with that but it's very hard to make it look "not weird".

I like this one the best so far. Perhaps the Debian logo could be integrated into a Pandora logo?


It looks somewhat like a "P" and the swirl effect fits in with the magical "Pandora's Box" idea, although that mythical box didn't contain very nice things.
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Goity said:
Besides, you know you want her humps. her humps. her lovely lady lumps.
I'm seeing a wonderful ad page for this!
A trouser-pocket stuffed with a Pandora. And above that, in bold letters: "Have a lady lump" and then "pandora" at the bottom. It's so beautiful and absolutely fantastic it makes me weep a little inside.
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In my opinion an electronic device such as this should have a composite logo on it, consisting of the company logo first and then the device name/logo. This composite logo could be embossed on the device itself and used in the OS and documentation. Its important to know who makes the device, and who is responsible for support etc. Considering branding, the company logo is arguably more important than the logo of the device itself.
the status of the debian logo is sketchy...the one that says debian is non-free for sure. the one dubya posted is free but i can't find any specific information about whether commercial projects are ok. my guess is that it falls under the debian free software guidelines, which means derivative works must be released under an open license.

but that might be a good created logo, released under open license. people could make derivatives for their projects, tech blogs wouldn't have copyrights to worry about..."even the logo is open", that sort of thing.

eclipse, i'm loving what you did. tilting the p&|a letters makes it more balanced...when i tried just doing it straight looked funny.

quartercast, i've seen it done both ways for sure, and i don't think it makes a huge difference. i think in the computer/pda markets you see more company logos because there's just so many products, with weird names, but for game consoles it seems like they're all marketed as a standalone thing, ie "wii" rather than "nintendo wii". i think in this case people aren't going to care about the company so much. they might not even have a name for the company that's meant for might just be "pandora enterprises" or something like that. however, i wouldn't say you're wrong, obviously people like knowing there's a proper organization behind the product...but think i could see it going either way.
MWeston said:
This seems like the next logical choice in a logo doesn't it? :P
i had thought about that...another variation would be the symbols they use in formal logic...OR looks like a V and AND looks like an upside-down V.
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rokdcasbah said:
another variation would be the symbols they use in formal logic...OR looks like a V and AND looks like an upside-down V.
PΛVA ? pΛVa ?
Not bad, but it looks a little bit like 'pava'.
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Stealth Bagel said:
stop it stop it stop it
No one will ever take a device seriously with such ridiculous shit on it.
I have to agree here. While there ares some good designs there are some really truely awfull ones. People you have to really look at what you have come up with and say to your self is that really production worthy? would Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft et all have something of this quality emblazoned on one of thier products? Personaly I would be a bit embarrased, which is why I wont put my ideas here, but it's not just for that reason. As a comunity I think we have it in our power, if not duty and responsiblity, to influence and attract prospective users into the fold. If people see some of these 'designs' they are going to think the system is a joke and walk away. People will for the most part ignore the text in posts and jump strait to the pictures.

We remember.....
10% of what we Read
20% of what we Hear
30% of what we See
50% of what we Hear And See
70% of what we Say
90% of what we Say As We Do

Please really think hard about your design.
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Eclipse: Lovely logo, looks somehow a little blurry though, which I'm not sure I'm quite so keen on.

Also, for those of you using p&|a embedded in a graphic, any chance you could think about putting text of "and" and "or" respectively above, below, or inside their symbols? Just to give lesser mortals a chance :). Of course, if it doesn't look any good, then so be it. But I've a suspicion that, done right, it could.

On a side-note, I'm surprised no-one's done a confused-looking Tux with a speech bubble with "p&|a ?" on any of them...