Pandora Light

In the end, everyone is flaming me while not doing any better. Read my question again, understand it and eventually answer it or ignore it.

That was a suggestion for the FUTURE, not for the actual Pandora which is not even out yet.

It's always funny to see when one happen to be dumb, a lot will make his best at showing him how stupid he is. Doing so they might even get down to his level and even lower as they do not realise they reached that point.


MOD, Closing this thread might be a solution... Thx.
ya sorry bout that.
fact is: nobody knows
nobody even knows how well the pandora is gonna make itself during its lifespan.

but its really possible that it gets upgraded versions u know

like f200 maybe
I don't think it would be that hot of an idea, not that it couldn't be done.

Basically all of the software will be using the keyboard because it is there. There will be Messaging and note taking apps, not to mention the ported software that expects a keyboard and the emulators for systems like the C64 and Atari800 that need a keyboard very badly.

If you cut the keyboard you lose its functionality, on screen is a lousy way to keyboard. Next you lose the clamshell, so you need to carry it in a case anyway. Thus it isn't smaller, and to properly use it you need to carry a thumb kwyboard.

Since this is all available onboard I don't see the point.

On the other hand, if you are talking about a form factor (and are prepared to accept a keyboard), I can say that a "normal" handheld form factor might look pretty sweet, but I don't see how to do it other than making it look like the XGP or that cell-phone that also looks almost identical.

Trade-offs? It will be much larger and bulkier, it will be more fragile, it will be quite a bit more expensive to achieve the same level of quality.

It sounds good, but the reality seems a little lousy. I think that if you had the pandora in your hands the wish for a different form would evaporate, it seems to be an awesome handheld any way I look at it. It just seems hard for people to actually visualize what it will be like to hold. I know that the PSP let me down horribly, it was such a bad design (so there is a "lite" model now, whatever), so I don't think that this can possibly be as bad as the psp with its horrid controls and metal frame for the optical drive, what were they thinking?
MagicPants said:
waffles said:
wonder if that means psp level power?
hope its cheap price wise also.

Sounded like they were only shooting as high as the NES/SNES for emulation.

it claims to emulate 32 bit, which would imply ps1/saturn, but not n64.
seems similar to the Pandora :P
if its under 60$ i would consider picking one up.
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My past research into PMPs of that sort seems to indicate that the "32 bit" games they offer are quite often originals made for the device(s) in question, as opposed to emulations of the games of past "big name" consoles.

It would be interesting if that has changed, but I wouldn't get your hopes up. :P