Pandora leaflet or flyer for advertising.

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
If craig or ed can or someone can put a simple downloadable flyer or leaflet.Then we can print it off and pin them up on notice boards etc.I could put some in my college etc.A leaflet or flyer would have to have both sides,the back and front.So the flyer can be folded.Good advertising? Any thoughts?
i think this needs to wait, at least until preordered are fullfilled, then look around for more noobs to bother us with one screen nds emulation
I think DaMummy is probably right. It's a great idea, but one for the future. But that's just my opinion, maybe OPT will disagree...
Yes, I also agree with DaMummy. It's a great idea, but this would probably be better for when OP are able to fulfill orders more readily. If they can't fulfill orders from a sudden influx of customers, it's not going to look good.

I suppose I'm also not too fond of the "print it yourself" option, since ink is expensive and I don't have a high-volume/laser printer. What might be kinda neat is if OP had some kind of "spread the word!" strategy whereby they put 1 or 2 of said fliers in each shipped Pandora box that users can hand out, or perhaps something they can "opt in" and have a few shipped in the box. "Would you like to help spread the word? Request some fliers!" kind of deal. I suppose actually showing someone your Pandora would be even better than a flier.

Otherwise there's always the website. Almost everyone has internet access these days, and if you don't you're probably not a good candidate for a Pandora in the first place. :P