Pandora Irc


Dec 30, 2007
If there isnt a Pandora IRC channel already (which i guess there isnt), when the dev consoles are released I wonder if the creators are thinking of setting up an official Pandora IRC or will we just mooch and use another emu/debian channel. If their isnt a plan I guess one of the devs will set one up, if not I'll do it. Failing that I guess everyone could idle in the #debian-arm channel ... :unsure:
One already exists. In fact, a couple already exist. I forget the names now though, probably pandoradev on efnet or something like that.
Orkie said:
Not very. Why would anybody go in there yet other than to reserve the channel?
I think thats the general idea, just so some idiot doesn't try to squat in the channel and kick people at random, which has happened before.
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