Pandora II: Modern console.

Can be used to play retro games of every generation.

Has enough storage for many people's entire game collection.

Solidly built, will last for years worth of gaming sessions.

Great viewing angles.

All purpose centerpiece of any game room.

Complete desktop replacement.

A true upgrade from the first generation.
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Has enough storage for many people's entire game collection.
(Assuming they only ever bought a few CD/DVD-cases from sale and mostly did digital downloads from GOG and Steam?-)
Well besides pooping on my joke....

it actually looks quite large 96"L x 19.5"D x 20.5" H

Even if you had all your games in jewl cases and not a cd binder and cart boxes opposed to loose carts, you could still fit a fairly large amount in/on it. I would say a reasonable collection could still fit.

reasonable: I imagine this x3

not reasonable: i imagine this person is an addict
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