Hello, my name's Judy, I'm Marks (milinks) wife, please don't ask me about computer games, as i don't know anything

its taken me ages to find rhis post so i can write, im not a technogeek as my husband is, im happy with my soaps! Mark asked me to write and say how grateful and overwhelmed he is by the kindness of everyone here. He would say it himself, however the Hospital internet is not behaving this afternoon when i left him, and he can't get a signal (even though he's on the 7th floor!) Having seen him over the last few days I have to say he is a LOT more chirpier than he has been of late. As for me, i can only say I used to feel a little bit like the ignored wife, whilst Mark was on his console thing, especially when visiting him, and the days when he did manage to come home and spent it writing something for a game, (I've to give thanks to Pitseb apparently it was something to do with an Eilte game, I'm sorry for being a bit naive on this

) i never would have believed that people Mark has spoken of, but not met, have been so very supportive to us both, I would like to express my thanks to all those who have given kind words and thoughts. It means so much, and as Mark keeps saying, I'm as humbled as he is by the kindness. I'm hoping I'm not getting anyone into trouble, as he gave me his details, as he was concerned that he couldnt express his thanks. I may not be so harsh on him the next time hes able to play his games, when i think of the kind people behind the console. Thankyou so much all of you, Judy xxx