Release Pandora-Fishfillets : Fish Fillets Next Generation For Pandora


Certified Guru
Apr 5, 2007

Hi all,

Fish Fillets Next Generation is a puzzle game written by Ivo Danihelka.
The goal in every of the seventy levels is always the same: find a safe way out.
For more details please see

Here is a port of this smashing game to pandora !

Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public licence,
read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.

PND & source code can be find here on my blog :
fishfillets for pandora


Whoooooooaaaa :D

That game was on my "Pickle, please port it!"-List :D

Such a great game, thank you very much!

Great !!
I have (some time ago ...) started to port this to GP2X (and have it half working ) but was my first port and never finished cause i wasn't be able to implement
button control.
I'm sure the game could run also on GP2X you could port it to GP2X ? or at least show me how to implement button control in this code ?
Of course if you have time... :)

Thank you in advance !!

P.s. Anyway...cant wait to try it on my Pandora (when finally arrive B) )
EvilDragon said:
That game was on my "Pickle, please port it!"-List :D

Wooo, one down :-P

Farox: if this uses SDL you can use SDL_PushEvent to map key's to buttons without changing the source too much
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Excellent, I've never had chance to finish the game on the pc as I had to format but now being able to do so on the go is going to be awesome.

I'm still waiting for my replacement pandora so I can't check it out right now (and probably in one more week)

Out of curiosity I compiled the game on the pandora (a month ago now sadly) but it turned out some levels and screens are bigger than the pandora screen.
Now, I did the same on my pc but it looks the same, how did you solve this resolution problem?
Blue Ion said:
Out of curiosity I compiled the game on the pandora (a month ago now sadly) but it turned out some levels and screens are bigger than the pandora screen.
Now, I did the same on my pc but it looks the same, how did you solve this resolution problem?

I stretch the screen :D ... the mouse/nubs are not really accurate when it is re-scaled, but it doesn't matter since i'm using only dpad.
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Farox said:
I'm sure the game could run also on GP2X ...

yes, of course, but it will be a bit slow i guess and the screen is too small to really enjoy this game ...

EDIT: I will give it a try on wiz ...
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Pickle said:
Farox: if this uses SDL you can use SDL_PushEvent to map key's to buttons without changing the source too much

Thank's Pickle ....i will try to look at it.

[quote name='zx-81' ]
I will give it a try on wiz ...
Good if you make a Wiz port more easy (for me ) to make a gp2x version... :)
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Farox said:
[quote name='zx-81' ]
I will give it a try on wiz ...
Good if you make a Wiz port more easy (for me ) to make a gp2x version... :)

For sure :D ... i will release the wiz version tonight (it's already finished, i just have to upload the 100Mb somewhere ...)
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zx-81 said:
Farox said:
[quote name='zx-81' ]
I will give it a try on wiz ...
Good if you make a Wiz port more easy (for me ) to make a gp2x version... :)

For sure :D ... i will release the wiz version tonight (it's already finished, i just have to upload the 100Mb somewhere ...)

Couldn't you put it up on the Wiz File Archive?

-God Ginrai
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zx-81 said:
Farox said:
[quote name='zx-81' ]
I will give it a try on wiz ...
Good if you make a Wiz port more easy (for me ) to make a gp2x version... :)

For sure :D ... i will release the wiz version tonight (it's already finished, i just have to upload the 100Mb somewhere ...)

You could host it on and I could then download and mirror it on openXile?
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zx-81 said:
i've already uploaded it on easy-share, but of course you can mirror it if you want :) .

Will do. Got a link?
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zx-81 said:
Blue Ion said:
Out of curiosity I compiled the game on the pandora (a month ago now sadly) but it turned out some levels and screens are bigger than the pandora screen.
Now, I did the same on my pc but it looks the same, how did you solve this resolution problem?

I stretch the screen :D ... the mouse/nubs are not really accurate when it is re-scaled, but it doesn't matter since i'm using only dpad.

How did you find out about the SDL_SoftStretch?

It is not in the API, and digging inside the SDL headers I found on SDL_video:
/** @internal Not in public API at the moment - do not use! */
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_SoftStretch(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *srcrect,
                                    SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect);

No wonder I coudn't find it. Oh well, I also wanted to do stretching, but no matter I tried I couldn't do it fast enough.
Sure,I'm no elite programmer but SDL_gfx stretching functions weren't that fast either, but this function is blazingly fast.
I wonder what is wrong with it...

Thanks for your "indirect" help. :D
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Damn fine game. I have never seen a game that uses its simple mechanics in so many different, creative and fiendish ways for puzzles.

Would it be possible to implement scrolling instead of scaling? This would preserve the pixel art and make the game more portable to lower resolution systems. An additional "camera" button (to move the view without moving the characters) would be necessary, though.