Pandora Controller Project?

A Pandora controller project will be

  • a great idea, the project name should be "Patroller - Project".

    Votes: 6 8.8%
  • a great idea, the project name should be "Pantroller - Project".

    Votes: 12 17.6%
  • a low priority idea, the project name should be "Patroller - Project".

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • a low priority idea, the project name should be "Pantroller - Project".

    Votes: 6 8.8%
  • the name of the project is stupid, see my posting for a better name.

    Votes: 14 20.6%
  • not really neccessary, i have enough controllers.

    Votes: 28 41.2%
  • technically not possible.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

I rely on the ppl having held the Pandora. Since they all said it was good, I don't give a damn about uninformed opinions. I'm positive that, considering how much sweat and blood has gone into the controls, I'll be as pleased as can be considering the form factor.
RenegadeChic said:
how about: pandora as a dreamcast emulator, with the pandora monitor as the VMU monitor :D
That's what I thought exactly :)
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Well, DualShock 3 weight is ~198gr, sony bluetooth wireless keypad must be around 100gr, so a total of 300gr.
Pandora weight 335gr with battery...

All in all, the weight is pretty much the same.
Craig's said a number of times it feels great for gaming, and there was a lot of talk on how the dpads/nubs were perfected. Didn't the nubs alone cost many thousands to develop and get just right?

I just weighed some controllers (my housemates think I'm crazier now...) and the Pandora weighs less than the original xbox controllers. Pandora is 335g, my xbox controller was 390-400g (couldn't get the wires off fully...)
For a bit more reference, the gamecube controller was something like 250g (I forgot as I came back upstairs >.>)
Pleng said:
I'm spending a decent amount of money on a Pandora.

A USB Controller costs about a fiver.

If the USB controller breaks through wear and tear I'm out for a fiver. If I manage to damage Pandora whilst using it as a USB controller I'll be *sooooo* pissed off with myself I'll probably never be able to look at myself in the mirror again!

if you will get pissed off with yourself just because it broke while using it as a usb gamepad. i can't imagine how much more pissed off you will get when it brake because of using it to play something. xD /sarcasm. come on, saying that it will brake from using it as a "gamepad" just doesn't make any sense. you ARE USING IT AS A GAMEPAD each time you start any emu or app. Not running the the software on the pandora and just using the gamepad isn't going to make any diference
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Game pads break all the time from over use, or people who simply get pissed a fling one across a room. Though using one as a massive VMU is cool, much the way they tried to use the GBA with the gamecube. Though I suspect the use would require coding on both a PC emulator as well as the pandora for it to work but so few games would really make that much use of it that I doubt many coders would bother.
All of those names sounded too much like "troll" to me.

How about calling it the "Blue Bamboo" interface?

BTW you should throw in touchscreen and keyboard support as well, not just gaming controls.

I think its very possible, DS can do it through VNC Clients and wifi! You would just need 3 separate drivers. Mouse, Joystick and Keyboard! (Maybe speakers too?)
laharl said:
if you will get pissed off with yourself just because it broke while using it as a usb gamepad. i can't imagine how much more pissed off you will get when it brake because of using it to play something. xD /sarcasm. come on, saying that it will brake from using it as a "gamepad" just doesn't make any sense. you ARE USING IT AS A GAMEPAD each time you start any emu or app. Not running the the software on the pandora and just using the gamepad isn't going to make any diference

The point is every time you use it you cause wear and tear. I would not be pissed off if was eventually damaged whilst playing the unit for what it was designed as (a £200 handheld games console), no. I would be totally pissed off it was damaged whilst being used as a replacement for a £5 USB gamepad.

If you really don't see the difference then, well.
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The thing here though is that the Pandora is going to be easily repairable.
You don't "waste" $400 (in AUD), you accidentally brake $10-$20 worth of equipment.
And yes I see your point... but I've never had that problem. I've been using an orig. DS since it was released and it's controls haven't changed in the slightest.
rabidpoobear said:
name should just be Pandora Controller or something, pantroller sounds like you're rolling around in your pants man.
As an non native english speaker, i always read it like pan-troler. I would never had the idea of reading it like pant-roler, so thank you VERY much for your comment! :) To sad it is the number two of the favorites on

DaMummy said:
this should only be a last resort if no pads are available, as even a basic NES controller is more comfortable as a pad than the panda....
Well, i didn't visit ED at the Cebit, so i didn't had a chance to hold it in my hand yet. But yes, you are right and got the point. It is for all situations, where are no (additional) pads are available. Which is, for a mobile device quite often, if you use it for what it's designed for: Being mobile.

mali said:
Too lazy to search if the above posted links contain it, thus I post it again
Great. Thanks!

Kimundi said:
Funny how different people periodically come up with the same ideas :rolleyes:
I swear, I have AT LEAST seen 5 threads containing this one, Including one I started...
Yes, as you may saw, i did mention at last 3 of them. Sorry if i missed the one you started.
There are a lot of extensions of the basic idea. We could unite all contributions into one project.

kuru said:
pandora remote interface
PRI? Hm, pandora remote controller? PRC? Sounds like the remote control for the pandora.

Pleng said:
If the USB controller breaks through wear and tear I'm out for a fiver. If I manage to damage Pandora whilst using it as a USB controller I'll be *sooooo* pissed off with myself I'll probably never be able to look at myself in the mirror again!
You did not get the point, but you are right. The idea is not replacement of an existing pad next to you. It is to have the possibility to use the pandora like a pad if no gamepads are reachable.

Alpha2 said:
Game pads break all the time from over use, or people who simply get pissed a fling one across a room.
The only broken thing on my gravis gamepad pro was wire breaking where the cable went into the pad. Easy repairable by opening, cutting the broken part away and re-soldering the wires to the sockets. If you throw your pads you should think about you game style. I prefer fast but gentle, going easy on resources.

Willrandship said:
All of those names sounded too much like "troll" to me.
How about calling it the "Blue Bamboo" interface?
BTW you should throw in touchscreen and keyboard support as well, not just gaming controls.
Did you read everything? I thought i did noticed that already.

So far, so good with the qoutes.


I would like to offer you more suggestions translated from the german board.

How about the project name "Condora"?
At the moment that's the favorite name of the board member voting.

Another one uncommented so far is "Pandopad".

And a new idea to use the pandora as a gamepad for another pandora was posted too. One pandora does normal emulation of a four player racing game and three other pandoras in controller mode can play together with it, even if the game or emulator does not have a network multiplayer mode.
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Definitely, definitely. This among the many great ideas for things that can make the Pandora totally unique and amazing.

Pie in the sky, I'm imagining a menu of options to select what you want the Pandora to identify itself as: HID, Storage, removable drive, pen tablet, joypad, headset... now that would be awesome.


Edit: Don't really care about the name, so I guess I'll go for Pantstroller.
great idea!!
my Pandora is going to replace my PSP as the device i carry with me 24/7 and the more it can do the better ^_^
(plus i really don't like most rumble pads but i need one for my PS2 emulator)
paInput (I like this one)
PISS (pandora input system software)
astupac (awesome software to use pandora as controller)

...the boredom! /o\
I like Patroller, but what about Helios? Or Zeus? Maybe something Greek with alot of power...