what about a "pandora-network"?
basicly a chat-protocol (plugin) for e.g. pidgin....
something like a huge chatroom where every pandora-user logs in, when he turns on his pidgin....
like a irc-channel...
only that u cant really "leave" the room, while ur connected....
(and maybe u could also create sub-channels for e.g. games....
like: "wesnoth - looking for players")
thats how I imagine it to be:
turnin on my pidgin....actually just for using icq....
but I'm automatically signed in the pandora-im too...
but I dont see that - it joins silently
I wont see it - just so it doesnt disturb me
(u would have to manually make the chat visible in pidgin, if u wanna go chat activly in the room)
so now lets say I'm in the pandora-chatroom...
dudeNo1 sees that I signed on, and hes like: omg, crasherball is on, hes that uber-pro-1337-haxx0r in quake....imma gunna ask him how he manages 2 get so overthetop-Progamer-style
so, he sends me a message
and a chat-window pops up on my desktop
I'm gettin a IM from dudeNo.1 cause either he wants to ask me something personal ("why are u so uber") or he wants to tell me that people are talking about me in the public chat, and that I should join ("everybody tells ur so uber, please state it in the publicchat")
this way u get all the pandora-owning-people who are connected to internet (and got their pidgin running) at one place
it could also become a very powerful tool, when ur bored as hell, and just want somebody to chitchat
- or just ask for support, and dont want to spam the forums
just like in irc