quote dwarf shortage Joined Dec 20, 2007 Messages 2,078 Age 20 Location Cave Website Visit site Feb 19, 2008 #1 I can't post a linky, cause I'm typing this from my iPod. But the newest news on the gbax website says something about showing the pandora prototype in the Texas TIDC. Urm...... Tidc ???!? What's that ?
I can't post a linky, cause I'm typing this from my iPod. But the newest news on the gbax website says something about showing the pandora prototype in the Texas TIDC. Urm...... Tidc ???!? What's that ?
Null Snug Joined Jun 16, 2007 Messages 16,118 Website elderberry.sdf-eu.org Feb 19, 2008 #2 Here's the link for everyone who couldn't guess what it was in the first 5 seconds after this thread appeared.
Here's the link for everyone who couldn't guess what it was in the first 5 seconds after this thread appeared.
quote dwarf shortage Joined Dec 20, 2007 Messages 2,078 Age 20 Location Cave Website Visit site Feb 19, 2008 #3 lol, cheers
L ldesnogu Well-Known Member Joined Dec 26, 2006 Messages 1,049 Age 56 Location France Website Visit site Feb 19, 2008 #4 pandora said: But the newest news on the gbax website says something about showing the pandora prototype in the Texas TIDC. Too bad there won't be any talk about it https://tidc.wingateweb.com/scheduler/controller/catalog Click to expand... Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2015
pandora said: But the newest news on the gbax website says something about showing the pandora prototype in the Texas TIDC. Too bad there won't be any talk about it https://tidc.wingateweb.com/scheduler/controller/catalog Click to expand...