Pandora as Bluetooth HID controller


Advanced Member
Jul 18, 2003
Manchester, UK
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Is it possible for the Pandora to act as a Bluetooth HID games controller? At the moment when I connect to it from my phone, the services that it offers are:

  • Audio Source
  • Audio/Video Remote Control
  • Hands-free Audio Gateway
  • Headset Audio Gateway

So there is no mention of HID controller, however I am unaware if this would be a limitation of the hardware, or whether it is something on the software side I maybe able to enable (either via the OS or third party software).

One of the reasons I ask is some of my software that runs on mobile phones supports Bluetooth controllers to play the game with, and I thought it would be fun to try using the Pandora for this purpose.
Software is missing. Nobody has stepped up to deal with the chainsaw-wielded tentacle monster that is the bluetooth stack. Feel free to make it happen :P
I certainly feel no external restrictions on making it happen, only internal ones ;) I don't even really know what it is I would need to get working? The Bluez stack that works on Beagleboard, is that what needs porting? Is it userland software or some kernel level/driver level stuff? My knowledge of Linux is somewhere close to zero so I get the feeling this may not be a task I am likely to ever get far on!
The userland program that registers a Bluetooth HID service and interfaces with the bluetooth stack to send grabbed input events.

That's what's needed.

My guess is that to succeed, you need an understanding of how bluetooth actually works :P  
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There is already some work in progress, don't know about the status => here

Way back, in the early weeks of possessing a Pandora, I tried to compile this (found it via this) - could not get it to work though
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Connect Pandora via vnc to the other Device and you can control more :)

I have this tested to control my Windows XP PC via Pandora and a Wlan Stick :)

Maybe thats also a Solution for you ;)
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but not all devices support vnc ... bluetooth would support a ton more devices ...