Pandora App Store Suggestion

SomeGuy99 said:
dflemstr said:
... user recommendation ... The guys I asked didn't want pages ...

Well this is a user request: Additional options for normal webfonts and pagination (including a matrix view?).

Also: Catagories.
I probably won't have that done today since I'm leaving for a short trip today (gotta enjoy the sun, the weather's actually smiling at us here in Sweden for a change) but I'll add that to my TODO-list, thanks!
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craigix said:
It will get there, all the little bugs will be fixed, I enjoy doing it and so does Trev.
And the bug that I've now reported twice? :unsure:
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dflemstr said:
Craigix will have to solve the same problem in his app as well, unless he wants to saturate your internet connection each time you visit his site.

And you will see how we have solved it when 2.0 is live.

Also, Ed has installed the image resize lib now, so the icons can be created.
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milkshake said:
anyone fancy making any comments on my original suggestions? :)
As was mentioned, exposing your database to end users is ultimately a bad idea. Even if it's just a "read only" user, you're exposing a great deal of risk.
Give me read only access to a single table and I can write you an SQL that will lock that table indefinitely, preventing anyone else from reading or writing to it, possibly slowing down the entire server while it chugs along through this one SQL statement. That's the real danger. More exotic dangers are that, even if you only give someone read only access, there's no guarantee they won't find some crack to give them full access; and simply knowing the structure of the database (because you've previously given them read only) can give a hacker enough knowledge of how to bypass other security features (such as login and paid for downloads). Security through obscurity*.

*should not be your only form of security, but every layer helps.
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WizardStan said:
craigix said:
It will get there, all the little bugs will be fixed, I enjoy doing it and so does Trev.
And the bug that I've now reported twice? :unsure:

I'll fix it to 6. I just like the name to be something meaningful so we know what the file is. I thought 8 was a good number.
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craigix said:
I'll fix it to 6. I just like the name to be something meaningful so we know what the file is. I thought 8 was a good number.
8 is fine. The bug seems to be my filenanme is 12 (13 if you include the .). A more graceful death would be for it to do this check before it accepts the file for download and rejects it immediately instead of waiting 15 minutes for a file to upload that isn't going to go anywhere :P
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craigix said:
WizardStan said:
craigix said:
It will get there, all the little bugs will be fixed, I enjoy doing it and so does Trev.
And the bug that I've now reported twice? :unsure:

I'll fix it to 6. I just like the name to be something meaningful so we know what the file is. I thought 8 was a good number.
You could do what I did: I create a 16-letter random file name for each file, and use that to actually store it (take a look at some random app in my repo to see what I mean). Then, when the user wants to download the file, I use a "Content-Disposition" header to give it the name it was uploaded with. That way I don't get overwrite attacks in my file system, users can't do file name hacks to do cross-site scripting, and they can't "claim" file URLs that have a specific property (like being short etc). All URLs are equal ;)
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dflemstr said:
SomeGuy99 said:
dflemstr said:
... user recommendation ... The guys I asked didn't want pages ...

Well this is a user request: Additional options for normal webfonts and pagination (including a matrix view?).

Also: Catagories.
I probably won't have that done today since I'm leaving for a short trip today (gotta enjoy the sun, the weather's actually smiling at us here in Sweden for a change) but I'll add that to my TODO-list, thanks!

With the latest Opera infinite loading does not work for me. I see the first 5 entries and nothing more...
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graupelschauer said:
dflemstr said:
SomeGuy99 said:
dflemstr said:
... user recommendation ... The guys I asked didn't want pages ...

Well this is a user request: Additional options for normal webfonts and pagination (including a matrix view?).

Also: Catagories.
I probably won't have that done today since I'm leaving for a short trip today (gotta enjoy the sun, the weather's actually smiling at us here in Sweden for a change) but I'll add that to my TODO-list, thanks!

With the latest Opera infinite loading does not work for me. I see the first 5 entries and nothing more...
Could you try typing in "javascript:maybeLoadMore();" in your URL bar and see whether that loads more applications? It'd help greatly to know whether that changed anything. Thanks!
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WizardStan said:
milkshake said:
anyone fancy making any comments on my original suggestions? :)
As was mentioned, exposing your database to end users is ultimately a bad idea. Even if it's just a "read only" user, you're exposing a great deal of risk.
Give me read only access to a single table and I can write you an SQL that will lock that table indefinitely, preventing anyone else from reading or writing to it, possibly slowing down the entire server while it chugs along through this one SQL statement. That's the real danger. More exotic dangers are that, even if you only give someone read only access, there's no guarantee they won't find some crack to give them full access; and simply knowing the structure of the database (because you've previously given them read only) can give a hacker enough knowledge of how to bypass other security features (such as login and paid for downloads). Security through obscurity*.

*should not be your only form of security, but every layer helps.

Well to be fair with php you can moniter the critieria/data/request sent to the db preventing malicious attacks on the db anyway, just becuase someone can see a couple of things doesn't mean they can break the system, basically if it's done correctly there's nothing to worry about, I think u are maybe a little too causious not that that's a bad thing but it is possible to do this safely.
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milkshake said:
Well to be fair with php you can moniter the critieria/data/request sent to the db preventing malicious attacks on the db anyway, just becuase someone can see a couple of things doesn't mean they can break the system, basically if it's done correctly there's nothing to worry about, I think u are maybe a little too causious not that that's a bad thing but it is possible to do this safely.
SQL as a language is also unsuitable for an application API. And the bandwidth required to communicate with a SQL database is considerable. Also, there's still the issue of implementation: if the app store wants to change the way it stores applications internally, without changing the repository API, how would that be done?

And what about caching? The client shouldn't have to connect to the DB every time.

Anyways, I fixed that Opera issue graupelschauer

I'll now leave for a couple of days, be back soon.
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dflemstr said:
And what about caching? The client shouldn't have to connect to the DB every time.

well the db could be cached to a simple array or JSON saved in text format or or xml format saved locally. It could also have a date:time stamped to it which could be compared with the latest update of the db, If the date of the last update is greater than the one cached locally then re-cache the latest db info.

That sounds do-able right?
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milkshake said:
dflemstr said:
And what about caching? The client shouldn't have to connect to the DB every time.

well the db could be cached to a simple array or JSON saved in text format or or xml format saved locally. It could also have a date:time stamped to it which could be compared with the latest update of the db, If the date of the last update is greater than the one cached locally then re-cache the latest db info.

That sounds do-able right?
Well, yes, and in fact, I've already done it (did it a week ago or so):
But instead of comparing timestamps, I used a much simpler solution and added a callback so that the repository file is updated every time an app is removed or added.

There's a spec for this file btw, at:
The app store should just implement that spec, and we'd have two implementations that are able to have GUI clients.
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::) i knew it could be done because thats how i would have done it.
You dont think mysql is the way to do it? id love to work with people on it but its clear that u are far more experianced than me.

iI can do html, css, javascript have played with ajax, can do php and mysql but im no xpert i always have to re-learn implamentation cos i always leave about 8 months between being involved with any web stuff, but thats my ultimate goal to be a web developer.
It is not an error to do something in other languages. (IMHO php is a nasty ugly beast, I do Python myself :) . Perl was once awesome, now cranky but certainly it isnot a mistake to use, especially if Craig knows it. Don't be preposterous to dictate someone else terms or suggest evey perl app is bad :)

A lot of people here love to suggest everything is bad because it's not how they'd have done it. That's silly and unbecoming, but also... You're unaware of the requirements the other party are under :)

I never said it was an error to use perl? I was suggesting ways to improve the app store by suggesting a native GUI is developed so it runs deeper Into the core os uses less bandwidth is quicker and well just better, as well as keeping a web based app store for maybe using on a pc.