Pandora And The Ol'' Mucking About With Sound Aspect.


Still Fresh
Feb 25, 2009
Student Accommodation, UK
Hello, sorry for the quite the up front first post but I've had a big trawl through the archives (I even used the search function) and seeing as the user base is mostly interested in game/techy related issues I wondered if this lovely black box of possibilities had any music making creativity up it's mysterious sleeves?

I'd assume that a variety of porting would have to be done but seeing as the musical basis that Linux already has (what with Ubuntu Studio, Studio 64 etc and it's own funky software) is it a big task to implement? I'm very ignorant in this area, too much time tinkling on a different kind of keys.

I've used the blasphemous DS in this capacity and it's worked quite well, using the mic to sample ideas and such in a tracker style. Considering the Pandora's got a full fledged OS packed with technology, which has left me gobsmacked, I'd like to see how it floors the competition (which to be honest isn't that great, unless you like trackers of course).

Anyway, music, MIDI, anything thereabouts, talk to me. :P
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Well there will obviously be some trackers ported :)
I heard that MilkyTracker would be a easy possibility.

I talked with the Protein DS creator too ^^
He seems pretty interested... still wants to get one and try the touch screen.
Linux version already made so its going to be a breeze.

anyway ! Glad to see music making on the panda interest other people !
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I'm getting a Pandora specifically to use it to develop music-making tools .. surely there will be a great effort to port some of the existing music apps for Linux over to the Pandora system, and in that regard I think we can look forward to being able to use the Pandora for MIDI sequencing and tracking, pretty much from the starting line ..

My interest though is in using the Pandora as a base system for DSP work - I think the CPU and DSP have a *lot* of oomph, and I can see a day when I one day plug the Pandora into a PC with USB (or even better, over WLAN) and use it as a signal processor/effects unit/synthesizer ..
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There have been quite a few threads about this. (Not being arsey.. i just mean its worth a further browse to see what people have said on the subject)
I have a bunch of linux audio production software bookmarked and ready to mess around with when Pandora heads my way. I'd like to add eXT to that list, but it's binary only, compiled for x86. Still, we have the likes of Ardour, RoseGarden et al, so we should have quite a respectable little music machine.
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seq24 + any of the nice softsynths we can get running should == a great little music-making machine. i think seq24 is ideal for this type of role ..
So you're saying that the Angstrom distro already is included with Linux music software, nice! Thanks for the replys guys, I'm even more excited now, just need to wait till the end of the year before I even book mine. :P
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Not just Angstrom, but we can also look forward to a whole lot of other things being ported as well .. plus, don't forget the pure, raw, fresh new development of musical things that will occur .. ;)

(I'm already writing music apps for iPhone and Android .. Pandora is going to be the platform I ride the rest of the year out on ..)
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'torpor' said:
(I'm already writing music apps for iPhone and Android .. Pandora is going to be the platform I ride the rest of the year out on ..)
Excellent stuff, any hopes or ideals that you wish to get out of the technology?
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I'm going to use it to make audio dramas using Audacity and who knows what else! :)
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