Pan>eeepc, Ds, Psp, Iphone: Pandora = Awesome


Recovering Jerk-A-Holic
Oct 19, 2005
USA California
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It is 1/4 the volume of any of the mini-laptops (touch-typing aside this is a good thing, and they make tiny foldout keyboards). And the 10-hour battery life is as good as 4 times the standard battery 2.5-3 hours for the Eeepc for example.

I don't know if I would advertise this until it was in our grubby hands being tested in actual usage, but if 8-10 hours is a reachable goal then I say we should advertise for all we are worth.

Running a web browser or overclocked emulator should be the worst the system will ever see (And PSX should be full speed underclocked!! If I read correctly), so standard homebrew or native apps will probably have plenty of resources underclocked.

I just realized how excited I am by the prospect. I bet a lot of Pandoras will sell through word of mouth when the PSP/Iphone/DS users see first hand how much better it is. Even the people bitching about the keyboard and how "funny" the analogs look will be silenced looking at the glorious screen running Quake3. (If they can't see how blurry and low-res their PSP is in comparison, they probably are legally blind.)

Who cares if a keyboard looks a little funny when the graphics are so good? And just watch your PSP friends fight with an on-screen keyboard while you TYPE in your web address B) .

Watch your iPhone toting pals try to play games on their button-less device, while you bask in the glory of the perfectly placed and comfortable (despite how it might look in a rendered photo) dual analogs, good Dpad and 6 action keys :P.

The PSP and iPhone guys might laugh at your "old-school" clamshell design, but the Nintendo DS guys will take a look at the device that isn't much bigger, with about 25 times the power and easily that much more usability, with full wifi browsing, built in media playing off of Dual SD slots and start adding up what their total cost was to get their SD media playing setup. Then they will compare their 3D FPS ports and media playing to Your FPS ports and media playing and just start crying ;) .

I know people whine now about the supposed "bad looks" and "bulkiness" and "awkward controls", but when these hit the wild only the fanboys will still be complaining, anyone with a sense of logic will be unloading his collection at the nearest game store to buy one.

I just want to say good job Craig and Micheal, and a big thanks to Ti for letting them use a brand new processor (and one that will overclock so high and is so easy to dev for :) ).
I know we are all a bit bummed at the time we are waiting and the badmouthing going on in other forums, and even the ones who register here and just "don't get it" at all, trying to make us build a tablet or a sliding keyboard, or saying that it is so freaking ugly with keys, and nobody could ever reach the analog controls*.

So post your favorite thing about the pandora, or show some pandora love in this thread.

*(As if, the DS came with a thumb stylus to use the CENTER mounted lower screen as an analog control, if Nintendo could think that was a good idea why can't we have dual analogs placed more easily to hand? This argument must stem from the fact that they don't realize it is very nearly the size of the DS.)

PoisonedV said:
This isn't helping out the reputation of the Pandora fans...
Why not?

The truth will come out sooner or later, and It is entirely true that the Pandora is better in many ways than the computers I mentioned.
  1. Mini Laptop: Size, Cost, and Battery life
  2. DS: Screen(s), Wireless Connectivity, Media Playing, Dual SD
  3. PSP: Raw power, Screen, Controls, Storage
  4. iPhone: Controls, Storage, Processing power, price. (It is more expensive, despite the "$200" advertising)
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I have to admit that I haven't been this excited about a piece of computing technology since... well ever I guess! I honestly think we're witnessing, first hand, a really important piece of computing history in the making. The birth of a new computing platform. The small-man developing a system that's close to perfect, while the big-boys constantly get it wrong by telling people, not asking, what they want.

I've always tended to buy into technology long after its been released, usually because I can't justify the full asking price while the system is still in production against what the unit will actually DO for me. Thing is I can actually see the Pandora having multiple uses in my daily life. From blasting out some games on my half hour journey to and from uni, to recording lectures/ taking notes at uni, to chatting to my msn buddies in the evenings while sitting on my sofa with my telly or music on in the background.

Granted, I could do most of this with a laptop costing around the same amount but with the Pandora I (presumably) save extended boot times, can use the unit for much longer between charges, and can carry it in my pocket!
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I think that once the 3000 are loose and in the wild, the best we can do is donate to the dev fun and spread the word. Say "Here, look at this!" to your PSP or DS addict friends and show them what you can do. I think especially the PSP crowd will take the Pandora very well, as the PSP is marketed as a multifunction device. I intend to bring mine to conventions and spread the word to friends, family, and anyone curious about it. If you have 1000 people actively advertising the hardware, I'd say thats a good way to get more people involved in one way or another.
AireTamStorm said:
I think that once the 3000 are loose and in the wild, the best we can do is donate to the dev fun and spread the word. Say "Here, look at this!" to your PSP or DS addict friends and show them what you can do. I think especially the PSP crowd will take the Pandora very well, as the PSP is marketed as a multifunction device. I intend to bring mine to conventions and spread the word to friends, family, and anyone curious about it. If you have 1000 people actively advertising the hardware, I'd say thats a good way to get more people involved in one way or another.
I bet the "DS+SD Media player" crowd will flip over it. The screen and Dual SDs should really make it a no-brainer.
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AireTamStorm said:
I think that once the 3000 are loose and in the wild... If you have 1000 people actively advertising the hardware, I'd say thats a good way to get more people involved in one way or another.

And the other 2000 can't be bothered or are too busy enjoying themselves to advertise it? ;)
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I like my DS. I look forward to having a Pandora. I will enjoy both together. :P
Prometheus said:
I like my DS. I look forward to having a Pandora. I will enjoy both together. :P
That is the spirit. The DS offers commercial games and easy simple playing of these games.

Many don't understand the point of either the DS or the Pandora, you must be the rare person who can like both :)

(Personally I don't like the DS or the games on it, but many do and I can understand why, it is a very popular and attractive looking handheld. :))
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nubie said:
That is the spirit. The DS offers commercial games and easy simple playing of these games.

Many don't understand the point of either the DS or the Pandora, you must be the rare person who can like both :)
Thanks much. :) I guess I just like to see the merit in things - from my perspective it seems a bit wasteful for me to take on an "us or them" sort of attitude when there are merits for me in both. (Disclaimer, so nobody takes it wrongly: I'm not saying that anyone was taking that sort of an attitude. :P Just that I prefer not to.)


(Personally I don't like the DS or the games on it, but many do and I can understand why, it is a very popular and attractive looking handheld. :))

<nods> It's all a matter of taste, I think. There's a lot of stuff that suits me on the DS (since early on) that wasn't and still isn't available elsewhere (and likely won't be, for several reasons), and the very same goes for what's been confirmed for the Pandora in the here-and-now. The two seem like an ideal pair of travelling companions for my requirements. :D

I have dabbled in DS homebrew, incidentally. That scene has some great applications that make good use of the hardware, chief among them being "Colors!", which is fab. Folks have done some great work. I look forward to seeing what can be done with what the Pandora offers.
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