GP32 Palm Doc (PDB) Viewer


Still Fresh
May 25, 2003
East Coast USA
I have a lot of books in PDB format and I know I could convert them to text and read them using Windups' KReader but I thought it would be cool to write my own Palm Document viewer. Also, some PDBs have built-in chapter/bookmark points.

Right now I am just working on the file requester, etc. In the meantime I was looking for some decent information on the PDB format. I found the Palm OS site but it did not seem very clear on some things. I was wondering if anyone else is working on a PDB viewer (or started but never finished) or if there are any PDB experts out there that could give me some pointers.

Thanks in advance!
That sounds cool. I found this site: OmniFormat. It converts different file types. Haven't tried it myself, but it sounds too good to be true. What do ya think?
There is always xpdf. but i looked at the source and it needs alegro.h (which was ported to gp but never released :angry: ) i think a pdf viewer would be MUCH better than plain text ;)
There is always xpdf. but i looked at the source and it needs alegro.h (which was ported to gp but never released :angry: ) i think a pdf viewer would be MUCH better than plain text ;)
I agree a PDF viewer will probably have more usage but PDB stuff can also be databases and such so it would expand to other things. And I have lots of PDB things since I had a PDA.

I will look at xpdf and this alegro stuff but I am not an expert C coder so this is like asking for a miracle to happen. :)
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